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Intangible Cultural Heritage Protection Society established

On the afternoon of December 10, Ningbo Intangible Cultural Heritage Protection Society was officially established with the holding of the first member meeting, when the draft of "Regulations for Ningbo Intangible Cultural Heritage Protection Society" was approved and the first leader team of the society was elected.

Reportedly, 33 groups and 272 individual members have registered for the society. The group members include some protection bases, cultural stations and intangible cultural heritage protection centers, while the individual members include the leaders and key personnel of the intangible cultural heritage protection departments, experts and scholars concerned, successors of intangible cultural heritage, represents from the protection bases as well as some other people who are concerned with the protection of the intangible cultural heritage items.

Prices of vegetables remain stable

With the drop of the temperature, people's lives have been affected in many aspects, however, the prices of vegetables have remained stable in the past week.

Recently, the vegetable prices in Ningbo haven't increased too much, and the average prices of vegetables at the supermarkets and vegetable markets are even lower compared with the same period of last year.

"The daily vegetable trade volume stands at over 2000 tons, with the average price of 1.9 yuan per kilogram, and the overall price has dropped a bit compared with the same period of 2013." said Zhang Fuqiang, Deputy General Manager of Ningbo Vegetable and Food Wholesale Market. Due to the amiable weather in the past weeks, the local vegetables were in abundant supply, contributing to the drop of prices

Historic buildings to be collected

People in Ningbo are encouraged to participate in the survey of historic buildings in the city. Any old buildings, which meet the requirements but have not been preserved as cultural relics, can be recommended. Anyone who has photos, maps or documents about these old buildings can report to the Municipal Bureau of Planning by emails or letters by April 30, 2015. 
The first round of historic building survey was launched recently in Ningbo. In addition to entrusting professionals for the survey, the public is also encouraged to collect clues for the historic buildings. 
The historic buildings under survey are mainly confined to Ningbo Downtown, namely, Haishu, Jiangdong, Jiangbei, Yinzhou, Zhenhai and Beilun. The candidate buildings should be old enough and meet other requirements.
"Generally speaking, only buildings which haven't been listed as cultural relic protection sites or haven't been registered as unmovable cultural relics, and should be more than 50 years, can be regarded as historic buildings." The organizer of the survey explained. "If it is more than 30 years old, but has distinctive features of times and worth protecting, it can also be recommended."

Read more: Historic buildings to be collected

Ningbo State Tax tries online invoice purchase

It is learned from the Municipal State Tax that the pilot online invoice purchase has started in Yuyao. Taxpayers can submit purchase application online through the website of state tax bureau. There are two options for the taxpayers to receive their invoice: they can either get the invoice from the nearby tax service office or choose express delivery. The online purchase will effectively save time and transportation fare wasted on the trips of invoice purchase. 
Online invoice purchase is new service launched by Ningbo State Tax in combination with online tax office. As long as taxpayers apply for the service before 9:30am, the invoice will be delivered to the buyers in the afternoon; if the application is submitted after 10 am, they will be arriving the next day. During the pilot time, all the shipping will be paid by the tax collectors. Following the pilot, this service will be popularized throughout the city in 2015. 

Train tickets can be booked in advance in 60 days

As of December 1, passengers can book train tickets in advance via internet or telephone 60 days ahead of time. After the extension, the ticket refunding and changing rules will be improved too. No extra fee will be charged for refunding 15 days ahead of the departure time. 


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