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Haishu District to build internationalized urban area

Recently, the world's first O2O cross-border E-commerce trading platform for magnetic materials has been under operation in Haishu District for one month, with a total trade volume of over 50 million yuan. This is the third new "internationalized" E-business achievement in the district, following the introduction of the for the cross-border foreign trade platform and the agreement with Octech to build the cross-border E-commerce ecological chain.

What is the secret of the district for its outstanding reform impetus in recent years? "Through our implementation of the 'four leading fields' strategy, including the modern service industry development, smart urban construction, cultural soft power and social management innovation, we have cultivated a set of Haishu experiences and brands that rank high in the province or even in the whole country." answered an official from Haishu District Party Committee. In 2014, the service sector accounted for over 83% of the total added value of the district. The per capita GDP reached US$29501 and the per capital disposable income for urban residents reached 47190 yuan.

Read more: Haishu District to build...

186 flights will be increased during the Spring Festival

During the Spring Festival in 2015, there will be 5860 flights landing in and taking off from Ningbo Airport, increasing by 5%. The passengers via Ningbo Airport are expected to reach 0.753 million, up 10% over last year. 
During Spring Festival, Ningbo Airport will add 186 flights, including 40 domestic flights, 32 regional flights and 114 international flights. The international flights accounts for 60% of the total. 
The international flights mainly focus on Bankok, Krabi, Cheju, Seoul, Hong Kong, Taibei, Vietnam, Phnom Penh and Siem Reap. The domestic flights mainly concentrate on Beijing, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Kunming, Chongqing, Changsha, Zhengzhou, Wuhan, Chengdu, Sanya and Haikou. The peak will be between Feb. 12 to 18 and between Feb 23 to 28. 
It is estimated that the golden week of Spring Festival will have a peak for travelling, especially package tour and family tour. 
Among the added flights, Oriental Airliner Zhejiang Branch have 110 chartered flights, including the chartered flight from Ningbo—Japan. The destinations are Shizuoka and Osaka.

Official Launch of NEICC NingboExpat International Community Center

Date: 1st of February

Time: 13:00pm to 16:00pm 

Address: Jiangdong Mansion, Ningbo 


Show this to the taxi driver. Location Near Ningbo Sheraton Hotel Bus Stop in front of the Mansion Line: 30, 352, 518, 901

Free drink, coffee, food... Taxi subsidy for families living in Yinzhou, Beilun, Zhenhai districts. Please provide your taxi fapiou ad you can get 20/40 rmb refund (depending on location)


For sign up, contact Kent CAI via wechat (account:"kentcai" or “ningboexpat” ). 

or 134 8608 1090 to reserve places or if the taxi need to know where to go :-)

more detail at

Looking forward to meeting you

 neicc location

 This is the location

NEICC NingboExpatInternational Community Center (6) (Medium)

NEICC NingboExpatInternational Community Center (1) (Medium)

4th February Expat Mixer

ningbo expat Mixer-2 TheNINGBOEXPAT MIXER”. -OPEN FOR ALL will be held 4th February 2015 Wednesday   at the 

Shangri La Hotel Ningbio Lobster and Grill Bar

between 18:30 till 21:30.

Drinks - Draft Beer Tsing Tao or Carlsberg, Red and White Wine, Soft Drinks and Chilled Juices at  discounted rates and with Complimentary finger food   A great place for new comers to Ningbo too.   Live Music

Entrance is free and “no strings attached

Ningbo-Taiwan Culture, Tourism and Commerce Week commenced

The fragrance of Alishan barbecue, the sounds of gongs and drums and cheering lion dancing... On the morning of Jan 24, Gulou street has been crowded with happy people, which marked the opening of 2015 Ningbo-Taiwan Culture, Tourism and Commerce Week.
"I love Taiwan so much. I'm longing to visit the Night Market in Shilin of Taibei," Miss Chen was so excited about the news of the activity that she was almost sleepless for several days. Early yesterday morning she and her family went to the food exhibition of Taiwan and tasted all kinds of food like barbecue and oyster omelet. She also took home some snacks and coconut juice. "There are all kinds of delicious food with different taste. If only this activity were held from time to time."
"This handcraft bag looks nice", "This souvenir is very delicious". Besides the delicacy food, there is also a show of spring festival goods, which attracted a lot of people in the neighboring streets of Gulou who are totally lost as to which to choose."The lion dancing is so amazing. It made me

Read more: Ningbo-Taiwan Culture, Tourism and...


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