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Haishu District to build internationalized urban area

Recently, the world's first O2O cross-border E-commerce trading platform for magnetic materials has been under operation in Haishu District for one month, with a total trade volume of over 50 million yuan. This is the third new "internationalized" E-business achievement in the district, following the introduction of the for the cross-border foreign trade platform and the agreement with Octech to build the cross-border E-commerce ecological chain.

What is the secret of the district for its outstanding reform impetus in recent years? "Through our implementation of the 'four leading fields' strategy, including the modern service industry development, smart urban construction, cultural soft power and social management innovation, we have cultivated a set of Haishu experiences and brands that rank high in the province or even in the whole country." answered an official from Haishu District Party Committee. In 2014, the service sector accounted for over 83% of the total added value of the district. The per capita GDP reached US$29501 and the per capital disposable income for urban residents reached 47190 yuan.


As a national pilot area for cross-border E-commerce exports, Haishu District invested over 40 million yuan for the transformation of the disused plants and the construction of the China (Ningbo) Cross-border E-commerce Industrial Zone. With a total area of 21mu, the industrial zone includes such functional areas as logistics, storage, customs clearance and administration and aims to pave the way for more products made in China to realize the internationalization by helping them solve such problems as customs clearance, exchange settlement and tax refund.  

It is reported that in 2014 some private enterprises in Haishu District started to expand to the international market. Eight enterprises including Seduno have carried out branding campaign in such countries as Thailand and Japan.

The smart urban construction has promoted the internationalization of the district. Since three years ago when Haishu District became the first optical network urban district in Zhejiang Province, the district has realized the full coverage of optical network and 4G network. Citizens in the 76 communities can enjoy the full information services in such fields as medicine, finance, shopping and transport by turning on their TVs. The district has also launched the police information 3D map platform, the portable public service platform and the grass-root informationalized social management innovation system, in an effort to construct the high-quality urban area with global intelligence.

The cultural soft power has also boosted the internationalization of the district. In 2014, Haishu District introduced some high-end cultural performances from Austria, Holland and Ukraine and launched the tourist opera "Great Voyage". Such historic streets as the Drum Tower Block and the Ancient Nantang Street help tourists from home and abroad to experience the traditions of Ningbo with some local time-honored brands. As to social management innovation, the people's happiness index has become the key indicator for internationalization construction. A group of successful cases and experiences in social management have sprung up, including the 81890 service center, direct votes in communities, government-funded nursing services, and the collective administration micro-blog platform, marking the transformation from social management to social governance. 

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