Copyright 2024 - Ningbo Life / Ningbo Expat

Passenger and freight traffic of Ningbo Airport take the lead in Zhejiang

In 2024, as an important airport hub of the Yangtze River economic belt, Ningbo Airport achieved a passenger throughput of 6.36 million people and a cargo throughput of 81600 tons, up by 16.5% and 23.4% over the previous year, both ranking No.1 in Zhejiang Province, and No.7 and No.2 among all the large national airport with a passenger throughput of above 5 million people.

As an increasing number of citizens choose to travel by air, Ningbo Airport and the airport logistics park have taken the initiative to expand the passenger traffic markets at home and abroad. On February 17, the direct flight to Osaka and Shizuoka was open, serving as the first air route from Ningbo to Japan. Ningbo Airport has opened the international air routes to such regions as Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, and such foreign countries as South Korea and Thailand. In 2014, the airport started cooperation with the Asiana Airlines and Hong Kong Express, and the flights to some scenic areas have been newly added or increased, including those to Danang, Seoul, Jeju, Chungju, and Hong Kong. The airport now has 13 international routes and last year, it served 963,600 passengers, up by 16.81% over the previous year.

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Traffic clearing action to be taken

It is learned from the Traffic Congestion Treatment Office of the Dongqian Lake Tourist Resort that to solve the problem of traffic congestion at the resort during the busy season for tourism, the resort will launch a series of measures including the tourist barging from March this year. From March to May, on the weekends, the Qingming holiday and the May Day holiday, there free barging lines will be open and the citizens can go to the resort area by the barging buses.

The barging lines will cover such areas as the north lake road, the east lake road, the south lake road and the Taogong Road. One of the free lines is 5.7 kilometers long, with the stops at the parking lot of the 2nd phase of the Youngor Zoo, the south gate of the zoo, the Nanyuan Flower Expo Park Holiday Inn, the parking lot of Jijiazhuang Holiday Village, and the parking lot of the Shilisixiang scenic spot. The second line is 3.7 kilometers long, a bi-directional one from the parking lot of the East Xiashui Village to the parking lot of Fuquan Mountain Scenic Area. The buses will run every ten minutes from 8.30 to 17.30. The third line, with a length of 1.5 kilometers, covers the parking lot of the Brick Plant of Taogong Island, the parking lot of the Baiyue Hotel and the parking lot of the "Little Putuo" scenic area. The buses for this line will also run at a ten-minute interval from 8.30 to 17.30.

Vehicle purchase tax in Ningbo reaches 418 million yuan

It is learned from the high-tech zone branch of Ningbo IRS that the vehicle purchase tax in January 2015 in Ningb reaches 418 million yuan, up by 6.36% over the same period of last year. The number of the taxed vehicles stands at 29482, up by 14.39% over the same period of 2014.

To be specific, the number of the taxed imported vehicles in January 2014 was 2260, while that in 2015 is 1905, down by about 16%. As the average tax of the imported vehicle stands at about 500,000 yuan, the total revenue of the imported vehicles has dropped accordingly.

Landscape lighting to be open during the Spring Festival period

To greet the coming new year and create a happy atmosphere for the festival, the urban management departments in Ningbo have decided to switch on all the landscape lighting in the downtown area from the evening of February 18 (the Spring Festival Eve), including the building lighting, wall lighting of the business streets, the lighting along the banks of the three rivers and the new Spring Festival decorating lighting.

The lighting will be on until February 24 from 6.30 to 10 o'clock in the evening, and on the Spring Festival Eve, it will be on until 0.30. Citizens can take the opportunity to watch the night scene with friends and family members.

Investment by returned merchants of Zhejiang origin grows

The year of 2014 witnessed the growth of investment in Ningbo by merchants of Zhejiang origin, including such major projects as Shengwei Intelligence, Pharmaron and Huaqiang China's Revival Cultural Park. In the year, Ningbo introduced 889 projects by returned Zhejiang merchants, with a total investment volume of 65.789 billion yuan, up by 30% over the previous year, 199.36% of the planed annual target.

With the focus on industrial optimization and technological innovation, the business attraction work in 2014 features closer integration of projects and the industrial structure. The project introduction of the strategic emerging industries and the traditionally strong industries maintained good momentum, and the actual investment volume of the "4+4+4" industries by the returned merchants reached 28.142 billion yuan, accounting for 42.78% of the total investment, including 18.475 billion yuan for projects in the strategic emerging industries. The actual investment volume of such modern service industries as modern finance, modern logistics, cultural creativity industry and business conventions and exhibitions reached 13.993 billion yuan, accounting for 37.46% of the total investment in the tertiary industry. E-commerce became the new growing point for the business attraction with the settlement of such E-commerce enterprises as JD, Oracle and Yto-express.

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