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Two items in Jiangbei elected as major farm leisure tourism projects

It is learned from the Agricultural Affairs Office of Jiangbei District that the Farmhouse Inn of Mao'ao Village of Cicheng Town and the Anshan Village of Hongtang Street have been approved as the major 2015 municipal farm leisure tourist projects, with the construction period of two years.
As is understood, in 2015, the focus of the rural tourism will be the featured village and farmhouse inn construction. According to the requirements, Jiangbei District proposed the two projects after careful inspection. And a series of preparation work has been carried out, such as encouraging the villagers to demonstrate folk customs and establishing the joint approval system, to create a better environment and atmosphere. 
After the field inspection and joint examination of the member units of Ningbo Farm Tourism Office, the farmhouse inn construction of Mao'ao Village and the featured village construction of Anshan Village have been included in major 2015 municipal farm leisure tourism projects.

龙虾酒吧扒房荣获最佳地理位置餐厅奖Lobster Bar & Grill Win the TOP LOCATION Award!



Shangri-la Hotel,Ningbo is proud to announce that our Lobster Bar & Gill has garnered the second award in 2015 — "Hospitality Service Quality Entertainment Top Location Award" by Ningbo Expat.


Recommended by Ningbo Expat, the 2015 'Hospitality Service Quality Entertainment TOP LOCATION' is one of the most leading selections dedicated to finding the best wine & service providers from all over the Ningbo.The award honors the hospitality industry’s most outstanding performers for their achievements and represents a testament for commitment to excellence. It is truly an encouragement for us to go extra miles to ensure a great experience to each of our guest.


龙虾酒吧扒房也一直致力于带你品尝世界各地顶级酒庄葡萄酒。今年我们就已经举办了法国Sartori葡萄酒晚宴、法国Hugel葡萄酒晚宴、新西兰Forrest葡萄酒晚宴。 在今后,我们还将带你品尝一系列美酒,并且将好的葡萄酒加入到餐厅的酒单中。

This year, Lobster Bar and Grill has successfully hosted Sartori, Hugel, Forrest wine dinners, we are committed to continuously strive to provide all our guests with our renowned wine hospitality.



Lobster Bar and Grill offers a tantalising selection of international delights and recipes that have been honed to perfection over decades. Fresh seafood, grilled meats and pastas are accompanied by fine wines selected by professional sommeliers to create an unforgettably enhanced dining experience.

The restaurant features a long bar of marble and mahogany timber, leather and stylish fabric upholstery. Guests have a choice of indoor, outdoor and private dining, while nightly live performances range from jazz to Latin pop.

Ningbo Held Plenary Session on Work Safety

On the morning of August 17th, Ningbo held a plenary session on work safety so that the special campaign to address safety hazards will be staged with full force. We must follow through on the instructions and spirits delivered by general secretary Xi Jinping and Premier Li Keqiang as well as on the legacy of provincial meetings on work safety. We must adopt tough measures to ensure work safety so as to uphold the life and property of our people, said Lu Ziyue, Mayor of Ningbo.

Municipal and local departments should bear in mind the lesson we learned for blood following blasts ripped through Tianjin. Relevant regulators must remain committed to work safety and be mindful of potential dangers. They need to take targeted measures to problems and work systemically to advance risk control. In doing so, we will be able to make people work safely and our efforts to combat illegal practices and potential hazards will be stepped up, said Lu. He added that we must give priority to addressing dangers in petrochemical sectors and stay committed to eliminating safety hazards from dangerous chemicals and flammable and combustible articles. Efforts must be ramped up to improve pre-warning system that better prepares us for emergencies. With public safety in mind, we work to deepen investigations and diffuse risks by employing risk-assessment results and strengthening capacity building in key sectors. Accountability must be put in place. We must ensure that those responsible will be held accountable no matter what. We will take holistic and long-term approaches and act responsibly to ward off possible accidents.

On Monday afternoon, Lu arrived at Ningbo port as he sought to examine how hazardous chemicals were managed and listened to how preventive measures were implemented. Alongside that, he also visited fire fighting teams in the area to check fire equipment and their understanding of emergencies responses. He emphasized that efforts must be beefed up to increase connectivity on the information of dangerous items and units like port and fire departments must have a clear picture of each batch of articles at store. As such, they will be able to manage properly with updates about information concerning dangerous chemical and therefore they will be well-positioned to respond any emergency with no risks at all.

The campaign has been given high priority engaged by municipal leadership, including Shou Yongnian, Ma Weiguang, Wang Renzhou, Zhang Minghua, Chen Zhongchao, Lin Jingguo, Wang Jianhou, Li Guanding and Wang Jianshe, general secretary of Ningbo Municipal Government, as well as deputy mayors. The meeting also had professionals from China Work Safety Institute, who offered insights into risk analysis and suggestions on work safety.

Ningbo Embarks on Campaign to Create Safer Transport

Massive blasts that hit Tianjin sounded an alarm to work safety. Ningbo Municipal Ministry of Transport has embarked on a three-month campaign to improve safety in hazardous chemicals transport, freight stations, ports storage, among others.

The special campaign targets transport businesses, vehicles, freight stations, water transport businesses, port work and storage businesses, among others. Regulators must take comprehensive approaches to examining each business, vehicle, port, station, tanker. And integrated inspection should be conducted as hazardous chemicals are transported, loaded and unloaded, stored, unboxed. More inspections must be made into businesses and operating sites dealing with massive, highly dangerous articles and problems and hidden dangers must be dealt with immediately.

A blanketing examination has been done on hazardous chemicals as they are produced, sold, stored, used, transported and disposed.

The inspection team is engaged by Zhenhai Administration of Work Safety, the Administration of Construction and Transportation and logistics. It works to conduct examinations of businesses on dangerous chemicals and petrochemicals. The team moves to ensure access controls of businesses are well placed, personnel is qualified, and chemicals are stored in a safe way. Meanwhile, problems arising from transporting dangerous chemicals have also been looked into. At the moment, Ningbo city is home to 30 or 34% of Ningbo’s businesses on transporting hazardous chemicals, involving 726 vehicles with 20,554 tons of chemicals. Our examination has singled out a handful of hidden dangers, though most businesses operate in a safe manner.

As of August 18th, 35 businesses have been subject to examinations of the enforcement of rules and regulations, the maintenance of equipment, education and training, work safety and management of emergencies. 62 hidden dangers as a result has been found and dealt with.

Jiangbei District has also set in motion a campaign to deal with major safety hazards in the sector.

On August 15th, staff at Yongjiang Street Administration of Work Safety led third-party experts to check how the campaign is doing in 4 gas stations and two businesses of hazardous chemicals. The professionals focus on whether static electricity crossover has been properly done, whether people responsible and work safety managers have been trained, whether electrostatic grounding has been ensured for oil tank trucks, and whether grounding warning devices have been maintained regularly.

In addition, secret visits and examinations are also underway. On August 14th, law enforcement officers found more than 20 buckets of dangerous chemicals illegally kept in a rental house. They detained those buckets and transfer them to a designated site.

On top of that, businesses have also embarked on a self-imposed campaign on work safety. At an oil depot of Sinopec, businesses have focused on registering incoming and outgoing personnel and vehicles. Incoming operators are required to wear work suits or anti-static clothing, follow registration procedures and they are not allowed to bring phones and lighters with them.

Troubleshooting Potential Hazards in Petrochemical Zone

Ningbo Petrochemical Development Zone Commission gives high priority to chemical hazard elimination work by adopting a number of measures to examine 50 companies in possession of dangerous articles in an all-round manner in the wake of warehouse blasts that rocked Tianjin Binhai New Zone. This aims to ensure safety in the zone.

The commission works to strengthen work safety management in key areas of the zone and for port transport units, implement the system of access control for companies, conduct surveillance on work safety and anti-terrorism, make electrical power, water, hospital and fire fighting resources stand by for possible emergencies, and organize drills for neighboring residents to teach them how to respond to emergencies promptly and effectively.

Since August 13th, the commission has conducted a number of activities to align with the campaign. It has launched a safety education campaign, a self-imposed examination for safety hazards, a visit by professionals to petrochemical enterprises, a demonstration campaign on work safety, a third party inspection on work safety, and an investigation into illegal practices.

Meanwhile, Ningbo Petrochemical Zone Development Commission also called in related departments to take part in the analysis of why the blasts hit Tianjin Ruihai Company, and what countermeasures could have been taken. In addition, the commission also led an on the spot examination into key areas that house hazardous chemicals in Zhenhai Port and oversaw the self-imposed examination made by companies. At the moment, more than 50 companies have already engaged in the effort.


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