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Troubleshooting Potential Hazards in Petrochemical Zone

Ningbo Petrochemical Development Zone Commission gives high priority to chemical hazard elimination work by adopting a number of measures to examine 50 companies in possession of dangerous articles in an all-round manner in the wake of warehouse blasts that rocked Tianjin Binhai New Zone. This aims to ensure safety in the zone.

The commission works to strengthen work safety management in key areas of the zone and for port transport units, implement the system of access control for companies, conduct surveillance on work safety and anti-terrorism, make electrical power, water, hospital and fire fighting resources stand by for possible emergencies, and organize drills for neighboring residents to teach them how to respond to emergencies promptly and effectively.

Since August 13th, the commission has conducted a number of activities to align with the campaign. It has launched a safety education campaign, a self-imposed examination for safety hazards, a visit by professionals to petrochemical enterprises, a demonstration campaign on work safety, a third party inspection on work safety, and an investigation into illegal practices.

Meanwhile, Ningbo Petrochemical Zone Development Commission also called in related departments to take part in the analysis of why the blasts hit Tianjin Ruihai Company, and what countermeasures could have been taken. In addition, the commission also led an on the spot examination into key areas that house hazardous chemicals in Zhenhai Port and oversaw the self-imposed examination made by companies. At the moment, more than 50 companies have already engaged in the effort.

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