Copyright 2024 - Ningbo Life / Ningbo Expat

Ningbo opens new direct domestic flights

It is learned from the authority that from October 25, Ningbo Lishe International Airport will adopt the new winter-spring flight schedule. Then the total flights will be 1150 each week, an increase of 15% over the same period of last year, and an increase of 5% over the summer-autumn period. 
Among others, Ningbo will open direct flights to Urumqi, Taiyuan and Anqing. There will be two flights to Urumqi daily, operated by Eastern Airlines and Southern Airlines. The flight to Taiyuan will be operated by Hainan Airlines, and to Anqing, by Lucky Air. From this Sunday on, Ningbo will resume the daily flight to Shanghai Pudong Airport, to be operated by the Eastern Airlines.

World Tourism Internet Conference held

The 1st World Tourism Internet Conference was held recently in Hangzhou on the new pattern, new tourism, new experience and new models of "Internet + tourism". Liu Yibing, Party Secretary of Xikou Tourism Group, attended the conference as the only representative for smart tourism pilot areas and delivered a theme speech.
The conference, co-hosted by the UN World Tourism Organization, the Asian-Pacific Tourist Association, China Scenic Area Association, Zhejiang University, and Hong Kong Polytechnic University, attracted over 700 global experts and scholars, as well as industrial leaders. The measures and experience of Xikou Scenic Area in smart tourism construction was well received by the attendees of the conference. On October 19, the organizing committee of the conference organized a 70-people inspection tour to Xikou Scenic Area. 
As one of the first 21 smart tourism pilots, Xikou Scenic Area has become a successful demonstration area for smart tourism demonstration. By adopting cloud computing, net of things and integrated intelligent internet data analysis and application, the scenic area has made efforts in constructing the cross-platform, cross-network and cross-terminal comprehensive platform for administration, service and marketing, to realize such smart tourism goals as smart services, smart marketing, smart surveillance and smart business.

51 Tourist Areas Give Discounts on October 17

It is learned from Ningbo Municipal Tourism Administration that 51 tourist areas will give discounts on October 17, the eighth “Public Tourism Day” of Ningbo. 
 “Public Tourism Day” is an important part of 2015 Ningbo Tourism Festival and also a welcomed traditional activity. To make more Ningbo citizens share the fruits of tourism development, the organizing committee chose the third Saturday of October as the “Public Tourism Day” after eliciting public opinions.
51 tourist areas in Ningbo will give discounts on October 17. Most of them will give discounts of 20% to 50% . Jiulongyuan Scenic Spot in Jiulong Lake Tourist Resort and Oulin International Industrial Park are free of charge. Local citizens and the new comers can use ID card and residence permit or temporary residence permit respectively to enjoy discounts when buying tickets.
 Since the “Public Tourism Day” is in the weekend, citizens should make travel plans and check information about the tourist areas in advance. For more information, go to the website, Wechat or Microblog of Ningbo Municipal Tourism Administration

Ningbo Oktoberfest at Con Gusto

German Beer, Sausages and real German Bread and Brezels at the Con Gusto restaurant in Jina Dong Ningbo

All you can eat at Rmb 149 only

October 24th from 18:30 onwards


Don't miss it the only authentic Oktober Beer Fest in town this year.

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