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First International Urban City Expo held

The 1st Ningbo International City Art Expo was held on December 11, co-hosted by Ningbo Federation of Literary and Art Circles, Ningbo Commercial Committee, Ningbo Cultural Promotion Committee and Ningbo Association of Entrepreneurs.

The exhibits of the expo are over 1000 art works of artists from such countries and regions as China, the UK, and Spain, including paintings, photographical works and bronzeware.

The most eye-catching works of the expo are the watercolor painting of the royal family painted by the Prince Charles Philip and a lithograph painting of the royal family collected by the prince. The famous "Woman with a Hat" by Picasso and "The Beloved" by Dali were also exhibited at the expo.

Hong Pingtao, a famous painter from Taiwan, brought to the expo his ink landscape painting and fine brushwork painting works. Other exhibits include the works of Taiwan painter Hong Jiangbo and contemporary Taiwan poet and painter Luo Qing.

Industrial tourist project of Ningbo factory, Shanghai Volkswagen propelled effectively

Recently, the Tourist Administration, Volkswagen Project Headquarters, SVW Tourism Company and its Ningbo branch have a thorough discussion about the industrial tourist project of the phase one factory, and agree on the specific implementation plan. At present, the preparation work is proactively propelled as planned. Meanwhile, the declaration document of “the demonstration base of industrial tourism” has been submitted to the superior tourist administration.

Rail Transit Line No.4 starts construction

With the first shovel of earth at the Cuibaili Station, the Rail Transit Line No.4 started construction officially on the morning of November 30. From the Cicheng Station to the Dongqian Lake Station, the line runs from the northwest to the southeast, connecting the central urban area, the eastern new town and the surrounding areas. With a total length of 35.95 kilometers, the line has 24.45 kilometers underground, 11.2 kilometers overhead and 0.3 kilometer for transition. The part between the starting Cicheng Station and the Guangsha Yiting Station is overhead, that between the Guangshan Yiting Station to the Zhuangqiao Station is the transition section, and that between the Zhuangqiao Station and the Dongqian Lake Station is underground. There are 25 stations, with 18 underground (two completed) and 7 overhead (four completed), and the average station distance is 1.49 kilometers. There are six transfer stations, the Daqing Bridge Station connecting Rail Transit Line No.1, the Railway Station connecting line No.2, the Children's Park Station connecting line No.3, the Xuefu Road Station connecting line No.5, the Cuibaili Station connecting line No.6, and the Dongqian Lake Avenue Station connecting line No.7. The construction will last for five years, and the integration part of the north viaduct has completed, including the four elevated stations. The transfer stations of the line have started the design and construction stage ahead of other stations.

Ningbo Expects a Traveling Peak Season around New Year’s Day

With the approaching of Christmas and New Year’s Day, Ningbo is going to have a small traveling climax. Tours around Ningbo is one of the most favored choices. 
On the Internet, tourism enterprises have brought out various kinds of promotion activities to create a traveling carnival. Users can not only participate in the 50% off seckilling activities but also choose their favorite tourism products. The promotion activities will last to January 3, 2016.
Off the internet, many tourism agencies will hold square promotion activities by taking advantages of “12·12”. Apart from the traditional package tours, visa application, cruise routes and independent travel, there are new types of travel like old monitor club and outdoor club, 50% off discounts and deals. 
Preparing for Christmas and New Year’s Day
Tourism E-enterprises launched Thousands of Routes for Traveling around Ningbo
On the one hand, people can easily have three days available for traveling since the 2015 Christmas is on Friday and there is a weekend following. On the other hand, the 2016 New Year’s Day holiday is around the corner as well. With two holidays, people are more willing to travel. 
A responsible person said that people are more inclined to choose short-distance travel due to time limitation. has selected nearly 1,000 hot routes for traveling around Ningbo and numerous cost-effective tourism products for tourists to choose. 
A Mr. Li bought skiing and hot spring tourism route in Jilin Province online. Recently, a wide range of snow across China has warmed up skiing resorts in northeast China and Beijing, Tianjiang and Hebei areas. In cold weather, hot spring travel becomes more popular. Skiing and hot spring have become the most favored programs in winter traveling.
With the opening up of skiing resorts in northeast China, ice and snow tours enter into the peak period. Taking the two days’ car tour in “Harbin-snow villages-Yabuli” for example, tourists can enjoy the snow-covered landscape, sleep on the heated brick beds in peasant families and ski in Yabuli to experience the most characteristic tourism in northeast China.

This Wednesday Is Mega Mixer Night at Shangri La Lobster bar

Mega mixer party night this December. Starting 18:45 with special mixer and lucky draw; drinks and food for 80 RMB. Followed by a show time event at no extra charge:


This Wednesday night we all have an international 8-team Dance Troupe from Costa Rica performing six Salsa, Mergengeu and Bachata shows at the Shangri-La Lobster Bar.


The first show starts at 22:15 until late. If you missed this past Saturday’s performance here’s your chance to see that amazing Salsa we all saw saw. So remember to stay after our Monthly Mixer on Wednesday 18:45PM- 21:30 that continues into a Salsa Party for the evening! Two parties for the price of one!


Time: Dec 2, 6:45-9:30 PM (Mixer), 10:15 PM til Late (Salsa Party)

Location: Lobster Bar & Grill, 1/F, Shangri-La Hotel








第一个节目开始于22:15至深夜。如果你错过了上周六的表演,就不要再错过这次观赏美妙莎莎舞的机会。所以在周三晚上18:45 -21:30的Mixer派对结束之后,请不要急着离开,接下来还会有精彩的莎莎舞派对。两场派对只需要一张票的价钱哦



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