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First International Urban City Expo held

The 1st Ningbo International City Art Expo was held on December 11, co-hosted by Ningbo Federation of Literary and Art Circles, Ningbo Commercial Committee, Ningbo Cultural Promotion Committee and Ningbo Association of Entrepreneurs.

The exhibits of the expo are over 1000 art works of artists from such countries and regions as China, the UK, and Spain, including paintings, photographical works and bronzeware.

The most eye-catching works of the expo are the watercolor painting of the royal family painted by the Prince Charles Philip and a lithograph painting of the royal family collected by the prince. The famous "Woman with a Hat" by Picasso and "The Beloved" by Dali were also exhibited at the expo.

Hong Pingtao, a famous painter from Taiwan, brought to the expo his ink landscape painting and fine brushwork painting works. Other exhibits include the works of Taiwan painter Hong Jiangbo and contemporary Taiwan poet and painter Luo Qing.

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