Copyright 2024 - Ningbo Life / Ningbo Expat

Garbage classification battle achieves initial success

After 236 days of efforts, Ningbo has achieved initial success in the garbage classification project. By the end of November, the project has been implemented in 238,000 households of 432 communities, 1186 institutions, state-owned enterprises and 130 primary and secondary schools. The living garbage classification coverage rate in the urban area reaches 65%, completing the provincial and municipal target in advance. 
In April 2015, in the conference for promoting the national civilized city construction, Ningbo issued the "2015 task list" for garbage classification, which marks the full implementation of the project. To urge all the citizens to participate in the project, Ningbo Daily launched the large-scale public-welfare news report for "garbage classification in the whole city" activity. By the end of November, the classified transport rate had reached 99%, and the collected kitchen waste reached 11,523 tons. Among others, the garbage classification rate in communities reached 45%, and the classified transport rate reached 99%; the collection rate of living waste in government departments, institutions and state-owned enterprises reached 73%, and the classified transport rate reached 100%; while both rates for the urban primary and secondary schools reached 100%, all ranking on the top among all the cities in Zhejiang Province.   
As the essential part of the project, the construction of the living waste classification facilities is well under way. So far, the bidding announcement for the social capital partners of the first phase of the PPP pattern of the kitchen waste plant has been approved, and the living waste classification stations in Jiangdong District and Dongqian Lake area have been under construction, while those in other districts have been accelerated in construction. Besides, in terms of technological application, the smart environment sanitation platforms are being built, and they will help to realize the information and technological classification of the waste. 
As is reported, to address the problems for fine classification and fine delivery, Ningbo will transfer the focus of the project to the improvement of the participating rate and accuracy of the classification, helping the citizens to develop the habit of classification and the accurate classification and delivery of the waste

Tourist investment management training held in Ningbo

The tourism is ushering in a "prime period" of development. It is learned from the themed training for the tourist investment management during the 13th "Five-year Plan" period held on December 28 in Ningbo that so far the China Tourism Investment Platform has included 19199 tourist projects with a total investment of 14.13 trillion yuan. 
To promote the tourist investment, in 2009, the State Administration of Tourism commissioned Ningbo to research and develop the China Tourist Investment Platform. The platform now contains three modules, including the tourist investment website, the online display hall, and the tourist project management system. The tourist investment website is a platform for the public to share tourist investment information. The online display hall, covering the section for investor information and that for the projects, serves as a virtual online platform for the communications and negotiations of projects and investors. The tourist project management system, operated by the State Administration of Tourism, is a dynamic management tool for tourist projects and provides services to the tourist management departments at all levels and the project constructors.

Cheap Flights from Ningbo to Japan Introduced

On December 21, the first regular direct flight by Spring Airlines from Ningbo to Nagoya, Japan took off. On this day, the round-trip flight between Ningbo and Nagoya attracted 256 people inbound and outbound. This flight is scheduled to take off every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday, with the departure time at 10:30 in Ningbo and arrival time at 13:00 in Nagoya and the departure time at 6:15 in Nagoya and arrival time at 9:25 in Ningbo.
According to an official from Ningbo Airport Customs, the direct flights between Ningbo and Nagoya will increase the existing 8 flights per week from Ningbo to Japan to 14 flights and the passengers will be more diversified. “In the past, the major flights were tourist charter flights. The introduction of cheap flights means the price will become lower and there will be more travels between China and Japan.” the official said. According to the characteristics of the Japanese flight, Ningbo Airport Customs has conducted special training on the Japanese customs, foreign affairs etiquette, and foreign language in advance to provide passengers with the best service. 
Besides, since the direct flights between Ningbo and Macao returned to service in December 2010, flights between the two places have reached 3,463 times in the past five years with 312,016 passengers. The everyday flights between Ningbo and Macao are conducted by Air Macau and the passengers are mostly business people and tourists.

Family farm demonstrations develop well in Ningbo

Ningbo Agriculture Bureau issued the list of the third municipal family farm demonstrations on December 25, and 44 family farms in Ningbo, including the Mountain Ecological Farm of Yuyao County, the Yulan Fruit and Vegetable Farm of Cixi County and the Fans' Farm of Fenghua County, are identified as the 2015 municipal family farm demonstrations. So far, there have been 121 demonstrations in Ningbo. 
As the new-style agricultural business entities, the family farms realize the optimized combination of capital, technology and labor, and increase the large-scale business level of the lands. In 2013, Ningbo set up the special financial guidance fund for family farm demonstrations, and launched the construction of the demonstrations, with the aim of cultivating the demonstrations featuring professional entities, proper scale, regulated management, standard production and market-oriented business. Then with the guiding and driving effects of the demonstrations, the family farms will become the promoter of the good species, demonstrator of advanced planting and breeding technology and radiator of the high-efficiency agriculture. Each identified municipal family farm demonstration will receive 100,000 as a one-time reward.

Ningbo Designated as “Cultural City of East Asia”

The 7th China-Japan-South Korea Ministerial Conference on Culture was held in Qingdao, Shandong Province on December 20. China's Minister of Culture Luo Shugang, Japan's State Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Hiroyuki Yoshiie and South Korea's Culture, Sports and Tourism Minister Kim Jong-deok, attended the meeting and signed the Qingdao Action Plan which is to promote cultural exchanges among East Asia. China's Ningbo, Japan's Nara and South Korea's Jeju were awarded the title of 2016 “Culture City of East Asia”.
According to the agreement, China's Ningbo, Japan's Nara and South Korea's Jeju, based on the concept of “East Asia Awareness, Cultural Integration, Mutual Appreciation”, will start various kinds of international exchanges in culture, art, education and other areas from 2016.
After the awarding ceremony, the three cities held a mayor meeting and a cultural officials talkfest on how to carry out exchange activities in culture, art, education, sports and other areas.
Zhang Minghua, Vice Mayor of Ningbo said after receiving the plaque of “Culture City of East Asia” that it is a hard-won honor for Ningbo to get the title of “Culture City of East Asia”, which is the result of Ningbo’s profound cultural foundation and contribution of generations of Ningbo people. Ningbo, with the responsibility to protect the golden name card of “Culture City of East Asia”, will strive to use three to five years’ time to realize the overall goal of cultural elements concentration, good cultural ecology, frequent cultural exchanges and colorful cultural life in Ningbo and build Ningbo into a modern international port city of higher level and more attractiveness.

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