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Tens of thousands of infringing packets are involved in Chanel and other famous brands seized

Source 2012-7-10 9:01:13 Ningbo Evening News
  Recently, Ningbo Customs seized 11,360 infringing package, involving the "CHANEL" (Chanel), "MONTBLANC" (Mont Blanc), LONGCHAMP (Longchamp) and "HELLO KITTY" and other well-known brand.
  This reporter has learned, recently, a company in Shenzhen to Ningbo Customs for export of non-woven wardrobe, customs inspection of Customs Officers in the analysis of documents batch wardrobe reporting specifications for polyester and steel, priced at only $ 3.3, the judgment of this Batch export of goods has a certain risk of false reporting, therefore, decided to inspection on all the goods out of the box. Out of the box and found the container with all the neat packaging of all kinds of package, "Can not find the trace of the closet, it touches a lot of Chanel double-C graphics backpack, there are marked with the word 'MONTBLANC' classic hexagonal white star marking the wallet an inventory of over 10,000. "inspection of the Customs Officer briefed reporters yesterday.
  Contact the Monte Brandeis - Xin Puluo, Chanel, Ltd. and other rights holders by the Ningbo Customs regulations, confirmation of these packages are all infringing products, the value of 113,600 yuan.
  Ningbo Evening News reporter Xu Yue correspondent Ting-Ting Xie

15-year-old boy in the barber of Luo Yadi old Bund cost of nearly thousand dollars

Source 2012-7-10 9:05:28 Southeast Business
  15-year-old boy holding father's barber prepaid card to get a haircut, I did not expect the costs of nearly thousand dollars in the barber shop, parents and shop costs incurred divided into the police station.
  The day before yesterday at noon, the 15-year-old Sheng students and students went to the of Jiangbei old Bund Luo Yadi old Bund chain Barber. Around 14:00, the students Sheng's mother Ms. Chen received the phone from his son, that son of barber nearly thousand dollars, and hurried to the taxi arrived at the store. The son told her, first he recommended hair to his shampoo girl, and his heart. The girl said the hair too hard, it is recommended to be stereotyped, stereotypes and then give him a deodorant, and finally gave him the care.
  Ms. Chen, barber shops minors should not lead to a sudden consumption of nearly thousand dollars. The shop said that the boy said at the time to do hair, took out the phone in an idol photos and asked whether it made that kind of hairstyle, the shop can not let the customer consumption.
  Noon yesterday, the reporter went to Luo Yadi old Bund, store Steering Kan said Ms. hair is clearly marked, and the permission of the boy, there is no induced consumption is suspected. So, the cost of nearly thousand dollars is how to produce it? Ms. Kan say the details:
  L'Oreal series of hair repair solution, 180 yuan a, with two; perm deodorant, 100 yuan; perm, 880 yuan, playing on the fold to 440 yuan; wash blow cut 70% 35 yuan; shampoo, 20 million. A total of 955 yuan.
  Jiangbei Malaysia police station Su police officers between the parties in mediation, the last shop for Miss Fang Jichen back of the card, the card balance is 571 yuan, the shop to give back to Ms. Chen 300 yuan. The police believe that the barber shop hair recommend to their customers is a marketing tool, but in junior high school students on a little inappropriate; parents also have some fault on the child's custody is not in place.
  Southeast Business Daily reporter Chen love red correspondent Jiun


Migrant workers was reinforced cut through the chest fortunately seriously injured

Source 2012-7-10 9:13:23 Ningbo Evening News
  The day before yesterday evening, Zhenhai district people's hospital emergency department treated one of them: the thickness of a finger, about 1 meter long reinforced, inserted from the left armpit of the injured throughout to the right neck.
  Injured surnamed Fang, a 46-year-old from Sichuan migrant workers. Side master said, his work on a site Chuang City, accidentally fall before the incident, ran into the ground a pile of reinforced, the most outside of the Okanagan and on the ground at an angle, a sharp, click on the from the left axillary headlong into his body, from neck to wear out. Workers found his body reinforced cut off a length, and then sent to the hospital.
  CT scan: reinforced each other master the chest, lungs caused significant damage. This allows medical staff relief. After three hours of surgery, reinforced been removed.
  After surgery, the side master vital signs were stable, the next day in ICU from the emergency to the general surgery ward. The medics say another 10 days after the wound some parties master able to go home to recuperate.
  Ningbo Evening News reporter Tong Cheng Hung correspondent Xie Renqing

Fenghua riverside ugly scene man could be so "convenient"

Source 2012-7-10 9:09:53 Southeast Business

  Photo of a man in the Fenghua River and pull the stool next to the River Ha Park, as of the microblogging yesterday the focus of attention. In fact, the man pull the stool at the far, there is a Department of public toilets. Users believe that this is not a normal behavior, this behavior of the man is extremely uncivilized.
  Yesterday, friends Ningbo Bird "published one with a photo microblogging: around 8:00, the most prosperous in Ningbo, a crowded the Jiangxia Park, a man openly to Fenghua River" fertilization "as long as 10 minutes . Are to avoid the many passers-by see, back rate of one hundred percent. This man easy after very calm sitting on the roadside in a chair, just did not feel embarrassed. I really can not see past a few: in the end this is inadequate urban facilities, or the quality of people is too low?

Read more: Fenghua riverside ugly scene man could...

Ningbo First Hospital of the present plant: flowers and plants are sick and can hang fluids

Source 2012-7-10 9:14:15 Ningbo Evening News

Zhou Lebin camphor tree to hang the nutrient solution.
  Now more and more people raise flowers at home, the office can see the shadow of green plants. However, these flowers when they fall ill, most people are helpless, and often end is discarded in the rubbish.
  Plant Hospital, is dedicated to the flower doctor. In March of this year, Blue Sky Road, Haishu District Students Pioneer Park, opened the first garden plants hospital in Ningbo. The hospital's services: "visits", "hospitalization" and "health care" ... you can think of almost all.
  A plant sick can "hang fluids

Read more: Ningbo First Hospital of the present...


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