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Ningbo court Taobao shop "

Source 2012-7-10 9:22:58
  Two cars used to carry out the judicial auction yesterday, officially starting

Beilun District People's Court in BMW Taobao auction
  Zhejiang B8M189 black BMW WBAHN730 of cars a license plate number and a starting price of 199,000 yuan; license plate number, Zhejiang the BX8105 of black Outlander a starting price of 50,000 yuan. "
  Yesterday morning at 10 o'clock, respectively, commissioned by the Beilun District, Ningbo Yinzhou District, both courts Taobao online public auction Litigation vehicle finally starting.
  Reporter Zhu Linhua photographer lofty
  Received a BMW 7 hours 46 bids
  June 26, Ningbo Beilun District People's Court and Yinzhou District People's Court in Taobao to hang out in the judicial auction announcement, and a detailed description of the condition of two Litigation car. 10:00 yesterday, this two the Litigation vehicle formally launched the auction.
  Site on the auction page to see the two cars from 199,000 yuan of second-hand BMW 7 Series Sedan, the most popular time of this writing, this car was produced in 2006, mileage 206,000 km BMW has received 46 bids, the price of 323,900 yuan; another one Outlander car received seven bids, the price reached 59,000 yuan.
  From the time displayed on the page, the auction will end by 22:00 today. Then the buyer put in the time prescribed by the court will auction price balance (net of the balance in the margin) to break into the account appointed by the court and the court procedures for follow-up to delivery at a specified time to extract the auction the subject matter.
  Online judicial auction, low cost, high transparency
  Interview, the reporter learned that the reason why both courts on Taobao shop "for judicial auction, from the Zhejiang Provincial High Court in January this year, the introduction of a file. According to the spirit of the document, the courts in the province to carry out judicial auction access to the Internet activities, selected for the pilot units as the work of a number of grassroots courts, including the Yinzhou courts and the court, including Beilun.
  The reason for handing out a province-wide implementation of the Internet judicial auction is due to the traditional judicial auction with high commissions, low transparency, prone to moral hazard drawbacks.
  Traditional judicial auction are generally commissioned by the auction row, the parties need to pay high commission auction, and the traditional judicial auction is a human mode of operation, there is the space rent-seeking of power, easy to breed corruption. Internet judicial sale may be exempted from the commission, but also to reduce the human operator space, interest in the chain of physical isolation in reducing the cost of the parties, to maximize the value of goods at the same time, a fair, equitable and transparent transactions.
  Auction People's Court of Justice seizure, seizure, freezing of property of the debtor when the debtor fails to fulfill its obligations, the execution behavior to the way of public bidding in accordance with the law to sell to the highest bidder people and use the proceeds to the amount of debts, the people a way to force the courts to enforce disciplinary measures.

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