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8th E-commerce Conference of SMEs opened in Ningbo

The 8th E-commerce Conference of SMEs opened in Ningbo on April 25.

So far, the E-commerce Conference of SMEs has opened for seven yeares. It is the highest-level and most influential conference of e-commerce. This conference is sponsored by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, supported by Ningbo Municipal Government, and jointly organized by Ebrun and Haishu District Government.

At the conference, Zhejiang Fenyang Travel Group, Zhejiang Jiulong International Logistics, Peacebird, and Beyond Holding were listed in the top ten companies in e-commerce for 2012

Urban per capita disposable income rose by 10%

The press conference held on April 24 announced the economic operation of Ningbo in the first quarter this year. In face of the complex and volatile internal and international situation, Ningbo continued the recovery that started in 2012. The first quarter saw a good start in the economy of Ningbo. The GDP amounted 138.41 to billion yuan, increased by 8.3% over the same period of last year, calculated by comparable price. The increase leveled Zhejiang and 7.7% higher than the average of China. The growth rates were respectively 1.3 points and 0.5 one the yearly base. 
In the first quarter of this year, the urban per capita disposable income rose to 13,537 yuan, increased by 10.0% over the precious year, and in real terms, the income rose by 7.9%. The per capital cash income of the rural residents reaches 7,379 yuan, increased by 10.5% over the precious year. And in real terms, the income rose by 8.4%.

Ningbo increased investment in key projects

Since 2013, Ningbo has accelerated the construction of a number of key projects. Updated statistics show that in the first quarter of 2013, the investment in key project reaches 22.96 billion yuan, covering 23% of the total planned for this year, up by 40.8%. 
“The highlight in investment is in the projects concerning people’s lives,” said an authority of the Ningbo Office for Key Projects. The first quarter saw a notable increase in the projects of the age, medicine, housing and ecological and environmental projects. Of the projects, the investment in the projects involving the livelihood of the people reaches 2.2 billion yuan, twice the figure year on year. 
In the care for the aged, Ningbo started 11 projects including the Jiangbei Home for the Aged and Ningbo Sports Center for the Aged. The investment in these projects totals 15.6 billion yuan. In public health, the city started 15 medical infrastructural projects, with the investment totaling 5.6 billion yuan. 22 low-price housing projects and 14 ecological and environmental projects were started. 
There is a steady increase in the investment in key infrastructural facilities. All the major underground stations for Ningbo light rail line 1 have been completed, and the construction of the underground stations for the 1st phase of Line 2 has been started. The Ningbo section of the Hang-Yong Passenger Line are ready for joint testing it is to open to traffic this summer. The road from Chuanshan to Haosifang that cost 600 million yuan is to be completed by the end of June. 

International on-water robot contest to open in Ningbo

From May 25 to 27, China on-water robot contest 2013 will open in the Oasis on the Sea. So far, over 300 contestants have entered their names, from over 30 universities famous home and abroad including Beijing University, Tsinghua University and the West Point. 
China On-water Robot Contest is hosted by Chinese Association of Automation. The contest has been held for five years in universities in cities like Beijing, Taiyuan and Ji’nan.

Ningbo to build the world's first grapheme production line

The first grapheme production line will be built in Cidong Binhai New Area. With this production line, the price of grapheme, in mass production, will radically drop down. The other day, at the invitation of Ningbo Municipal Economic Information Commission, Liu Zhaoping, principal inventor of massive production of grapheme, and Chen Weijian, Board Chairman of Ningbo Moxi Science and Technology Co., Ltd., visited Ningbo for a lecture on the application of grapheme.

Grapheme is the known thinnest and strongest material. This irreplaceable material can be widely used in lithium batteries, paints, LED, modified plastics, kitchenware, and home appliances. Grapheme is very important to related industries of Ningbo. The application of grapheme can greatly improve the quality of products, increase the added value and thus raise the competitiveness of related enterprises.

The mass production technology of grapheme used to be a world problem. Today, this problem has been solved by Ningbo Material Institute of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. This year, Ningbo Moxi Science and Technology Co., Ltd., jointly established by Ningbo Material Institute of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Nanjiang Group, will build the world's first grapheme production line. In the 1st phase, the annual yield will reach 300 tons, and in the 2nd phase, it will reach 1,000 tons.


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