Copyright 2024 - Ningbo Life / Ningbo Expat

Ningbo in action to donate to the earthquake stricken areas

On the afternoon of April 22, Jinyuan Electronic Company of Fenghua had its donations of flashlights and desk lamps sent to the earthquake stricken areas. On April 22, Ningbo Charity Federation received donations of 4.411 million yuan to the Lushan earthquake stricken areas. With the donated money received on the 20th and 21st, the Federation received 6.464 million yuan. By 15:00 on April 22, Ningbo Charity Federation and its branches in the counties, cities and districts of Ningbo City received donated money as much as 10.22 million yuan from citizens and enterprises of Ningbo. Jiangdong District Charity Federation received 1 million yuan donated by Ningbo Hongtai Real Property Development Co., Ltd. and 500,000 yuan by Good Sunshine Group Company.

By 16:00 yesterday, The Red Cross of Ningbo had collected donations worth 10.878 million yuan for the Lushan earthquake stricken areas.

On the morning of April 22, Youngor Group announced its decision to donate materials worth 10 million yuan through Yinzhou District Red Cross. Peacebird Group decided to donate 2 million yuan and materials worth 2 million yuan to the earthquake affected areas. The donations by the employees of Peacebird Group reach 230,000 yuan. On April 22, Bank of Ningbo donated 2 million yuan. Fotile Group's donation amounts to 1 million yuan. Ningbo Private Constructors Association received donations of 600,000 yuan. Ningbo Xinhualian Shopping Building collected charity donations of over 10,000 yuan. The donations by the employees of Ningbo Beifa reach 80,000 yuan. Ningbo University's donation reaches 16,165 yuan. Ningbo Institute of Technology of Zhejiang University collected donations of 2,350 yuan.

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