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Symposium on innovation achievements held by

Ningbo area of Zhejiang Pilot FTZ

At the symposium on innovation achievements of Ningbo area of Zhejiang Pilot Free Trade Zone held in Ningbo on the afternoon of August 2, heavyweight experts, scholars, relevant department heads, entrepreneurs, and media personnel conducted a series of discussions on the institutional opening and integrated reform of the pilot free trade zone and put forward highly constructive suggestions for the future development of the area.

In recent years, the Ningbo area has adhered to the principle of taking the lead and making initiatives, leading to a number of pioneering and iconic achievements.

According to a related person in charge from the Management Committee of the Ningbo Area of Zhejiang Pilot Free Trade Zone, at the beginning of this year, the case of  “integrated innovation of investment facilitation on cross-border trade” by the area was selected into the fifth batch of “Best Practice Cases” of national pilot free trade zone, as the only case in Zhejiang to have been selected. Four cases, including the “integrated innovation of export mode of new energy vehicles”, are included into the best cases of provincial institutional innovation in 2024.

The person also revealed that for the next step, the Ningbo area will accelerate the implementation of the strategy to enhance the pilot free trade zone, focusing on such key areas as the resources allocation of bulk commodity, the international shipping logistics, the new trade formats and bonded functions, and the industrial-urban integration. It will concentrate on pioneering and integrated explorations, and steadily expand the level of institutional openness.

According to Yao Weiqun, a specially appointed professor at Shanghai University of International Business and Economics and executive dean of the Strategic Research Institute of Shanghai International Trade Center, with the new situations, a key task in building a higher-level open economic system is to do a good job in linking free trade agreements and pilot free trade zones, and carry out a series of high standard rule docking and high-level institutional innovation on multilateral, regional, bilateral free trade agreements and pilot free trade zones. By concentrating on institutional opening-up, the area should deepen institutional and mechanism reforms in such key areas of foreign exchange and cooperation as investment, trade, finance, and innovation, improve supporting policies and measures, and enhance opening-up to a new level.

This symposium is hosted by the Ningbo Daily Press Group, and supported by Ningbo Municipal Bureau of Commerce (the municipal Free Trade Office), the Reform Office of Ningbo Municipal Party Committee, Beilun District Government, and the Management Committee of Ningbo Economic and Technological Development Zone

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