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Diverse farmer training activities help promote rural revitalization

Recently, the important event of Ningbo farmers' training - the 3rd Fenghua District E-commerce Live Streaming Competition for Agricultural Assistance has achieved remarkable results: the total sales revenue amounted to over 2 million yuan, and the total livestreaming sales reached over 1.2 million!

Since the beginning of this year, various activities for farmer training in Ningbo have been held. The organizer has innovated the form of activities, not only inviting industry experts to give lectures, but also promoting training through competitions and sales, allowing students to enhance their abilities and solve practical problems through interactive communication.

E-commerce novice

Replacing training with competition to become an social medial celebrity farmer

On the evening of July 28th, Fenghua Cultural Square was quite busy. The final of the 15th live broadcast room of the 3rd Fenghua District Agricultural Assistance E-commerce Live Streaming Competition was being held here, and students were promoting products together to see who sold more and better.

The contestants are all students from the rural practical technical talent training class. The competition officially started on June 28th this year and lasted for a month. After training and preliminary rounds, 21 groups of students participated in the preliminary round, and ultimately 15 teams made it to the finals.

I didn't know how to live stream before, and I really wanted to learn it. After this training, I didn't expect to make it to the finals! "Ms. Sun, who participated in the competition, was very happy. She said that the rural practical technology training course had a very rich content and focused on the real needs of the students. "At the beginning of the school year, I participated in the e-commerce live streaming course, and the teacher taught me step by step. I quickly mastered my live streaming skills. In the future, I can expand the sales of my home’s honey peach through e-commerce live streaming.”

The person in charge of the farmer training class stated that they conducted a preliminary survey of the students' needs and found that e-commerce live streaming is a skill they really want to learn, so they invited professional teachers to give lectures. In order to fully integrate teaching and practice, better practical results can be achieved through the form of competition instead of training.

Replacing training with competition and combining competition and training is an important form of innovative teaching in training courses. In addition to the e-commerce competition, there is also the Rural CEO Roadshow Competition, which has achieved good results.

Rural CEO student roadshow competition

In the first half of this year, Yinzhou District recruited rural professional managers nationwide for the first time with an annual salary of over 200000 yuan. Although only 5 rural operation officers were recruited, as soon as the news was released, the number of inquiries and registrations reached hundreds, and the phone numbers were flooded. The reason why so many people have signed up is inseparable from the cultivation of leading talents in rural revitalization in Ningbo, such as the Head Goose Class operation talents. In recent years, hundreds of rural operation talents have been trained in Ningbo. Last year, nine villages in Fenghua District began rural operations, among which the story of Xie Jieshan Village, a master's student studying in France and the rural CEO Wang Hanhan leading villagers to prosperity, has received widespread media attention and praise.

On June 21st, the Ningbo Rural CEO Operation Roadshow Competition was held at the Yinzhou Station in Dongwu Town. Recruitment of rural operation officers for Tongyi Village in Dongwu Town, Qixiayang Village in Zhanqi Town, Zoumatang Village in Jiangshan Town, Chengyang Village in Dongqian Lake Town, and Lupu Village in Xianxiang Town. After rounds of selecting, the final 15 candidates were selected for the finals. Enthusiastic and well prepared with PPTs, they went on stage one by one, showcased their plans to the judges and audience with passion, depicted the blueprint for rural development, and won warm applauses from the audience. In the end, 5 outstanding rural CEOs won and signed cooperation agreements with rural areas.

I am a student of the training course for leading talents in rural revitalization (Head Goose Project), and I have just become the rural CEO of Qixiayang Village in Zhanqi Town. Through the training, I can truly apply what I have learned, "said Li Jiaowen, the general manager of Ningbo Smart Tiancheng Brand Planning Co., Ltd. After competing to become the rural CEO of Qixiayang Village, she also helped farmers with love through agricultural product supply chain channels, selling more than 3000 watermelons for local melon farmers, helping them solve sales problems, and giving the village growers a" reassurance pill ".

Li Jiaowen said emotionally, "Participating in the rural CEO roadshow competition is a learning process. In the early stage, I conducted in-depth research on the village, combined with the training, deepened the plan, and finally gained recognition from the expert judges. Next, the training course will continue to bring me relevant skills and platform resources, and make more contributions to the countryside." It is reported that in September this year, the Fenghua Station of the Ningbo Rural CEO Operation Competition will also be launched.

Promote training through selling, sign 40 production and sales cooperation orders in one day

Using competitions as a substitute for training fully combines teaching with practice. Besides, this strategy not only involves learning through visits and exchanges, but also helps students learn marketing strategies and solve practical needs, and promotes their enthusiasm for participation.

On July 16, 2024, over a hundred students from the Agricultural Maker Quality Improvement Special Class and the New Quality Productivity Navigation Special Class of the Leading Talents for Rural Revitalization in Ningbo (Head Goose Project) Training Class visited the headquarters of Sanguanliumatou Company located in Zhenhai Zhuangshi Subdistrict for exchange and interaction. It is a well-known local distributor of agricultural products in Ningbo, with over 300 stores nationwide. And a large part of the trainees participating in rural talent training are local producers of agricultural products. The quality of the agricultural products grown on their farms is excellent, but they are struggling to find good sales channels.

“As farmers, we don't know how to sell, so this matching of production and sales is really a good opportunity. I hope to use the big brand of Sanguan Liumatou to promote my grapes, "said Chen Ying, a student of the Agricultural Maker Quality Improvement Special Class and the head of Yongyuan Farm in Yuyao City.

This activity not only solved the problem of agricultural product sales, but also enhanced the students' awareness of agricultural product brands and marketing strategies, thus putting in a lot of brand effort on the production side.

During the event that day, the organizers divided the students into 5 groups and conducted agricultural product production and sales coordination with the company's marketing manager. Through negotiation and communication, more than 40 agricultural business entities reached production and sales cooperation intentions within one day. Due to the popularity of training by selling among students, the activities have been gradually carried out among students in other specialized classes.

The popularity of 'Head Goose' training

The reporter learned that since the beginning of this year, the Ningbo Agriculture and Rural Bureau has carried out a series of training activities around the 2024 Rural Revitalization Leading Talents (Head Goose Project) Training Course. With innovative forms of training, emphasis on effectiveness, and tailored teaching packages for students, these activities have achieved significant results.

In April of this year, at the beginning of the recruitment of annual leading talents for rural revitalization (Head Goose Project), the four special courses launched by the Municipal Agriculture and Rural Bureau, namely Rural CEO, Agricultural Maker, New Quality Productivity, and Industrial Revitalization and Prosperity, were very popular. The rural CEO plan recruited 60 people, but within one day, the number of applicants exceeded 100. The entire Head Goose training class was very popular, and 240 students were finally selected and admitted.

The training format emphasizes innovation and practicality, and also invited industry experts to give lectures, such as Zheng Weiran, a researcher at Zhejiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Chen Yong, the head of the well-known short video self media "Half Moon Star", Li Jun, an Alibaba rural e-commerce lecturer and Taobao education certification lecturer, and Cai Yinglei, a brand and intellectual property expert and partner of Wuzhou Puhua Ningbo Branch. In addition, they also visited and studied excellent rural operation villages, demonstration farms, and industrial bases both inside and outside the province, such as Yuhang, Jiaxing, and Suzhou.

The relevant person in charge of the Ningbo Agriculture and Rural Bureau stated that this year's farmer training will run through the whole year, and a series of innovative and practical training activities such as rural CEO trainees stationed in villages will be launched intensively to build a strong foundation for Ningbo's "three teams" in the agricultural and rural fields

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