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Yinzhou “Zou Xi Temple Rice Flower Meeting”

 grand occasion reappeared

At 5:28 a.m. on July 20, the Daohua Association of Zou Xi Temple in Tangxi Town officially opened. The rice flower festival began in the eighth year of Daoguang in the Qing Dynasty and was one of the famous temple fairs in Yinxian County in the old days, but was

terminated in 1946 and re-held in 2011, and then interrupted. This year, in order to preserve the traditional folk customs, Tangxi Town decided to restart the Rice Flower Festival.

The guild team consisted of more than 50 detachments, starting from Zou Xi Temple, passing through 4 villages, with a length of more than 800 meters. There are many villagers and tourists on the roadside, and it is very lively. More than 10 folk art teams composed of nearly 300 art lovers became the highlights, and they performed at the places they passed, attracting bursts of applause. In addition, dragon dance, lion dance, and horse lantern teams from many places were invited to help.

The Rice Flower Festival of Zouxi Temple contains the regional characteristics of Tangxi, and was included in the list of intangible cultural heritage of Yinzhou District in 2012 and the list of intangible cultural heritage of the city in 2015. This grand occasion reappeared after nine years, which not only showed the improvement of the material culture of the people, but also contributed to the construction of local civilization and the creation of cultural connotation

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