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Some 100 Businesses and Research Institutes Form an Industrial Chain of Internet of Things

Some 100 companies and research institutes in Ningbo have formed a huge industrial chain of Internet of Things.

As one of the seven large emerging industries the Internet of Things is to generate an output value of 5000 billion yuan in coming 10 years, as estimated by experts. Currently, the Ningbo companies of Internet of Things are mainly engaged in application solutions, sensors, transmission and telecom, computing, etc. Last year, they generated income of 10 billion yuan (excluding those from operators). Among them, there are 13 producers of sensors, which realized output value of 1.5 billion yuan. There are 41 manufacturers of terminal displays and telecom equipments, generating 4.8 billion yuan. In addition, there are 93 providers of application solutions.

With years of development, the Internet of Things business environment has been improving. Last year, the city made an action plan for developing Smart City (2011-2015) and this year it is going to make a program to develop information industry that includes the Internet of Things (IOT). With the progress of the Smart City construction, a number of application demo projects featuring the IOT technology are being undertaken, such as smart logistics and smart health care.

By relying on the solid foundation of electronics production, the city has established a certain basis in sensors, transmission equipment and terminal display products and is becoming an important base of IOT components and equipment production. Last year, the Ningbo Keli Sensors Manufacturing Company yielded an output value of 360 million yuan, the Ningbo Nanche Times Sensor Technology Company generated 170 million yuan. They have built up certain market influence. In addition, a number of other electronic companies are developing new products and new systems, too.

With regard to infrastructure, the city has had a high-speed intranet and internet that covers all the urban areas, with the outlet bandwidth of 580 G. There are 10.55 million mobile phone subscribers, 840,000 3G subscribers. 1.77 million households have had internet access. With the progress of the Wireless Ningbo project, the 3G-based wireless wideband network has reached every corner of the city. A new-generation wireless network with TD-LTE as the core is to be built soon.

With governmental support, the IOT business of Ningbo has come on the fast lane. By the end of last year, the city has supported 31 IOT related projects. For instance, five companies including the Ningbo Boyige Digital Technology has been granted the special funds of seven million yuan from the national authorities.

Five Circumstances: 72 Chinese 100-Millionaires Died Within Eight Years

Editors Note: This is a translated and edited version of an article from the Chinese website The article is the account of a journalist who, while reading through published reports dating back to 2003, realised that there seemed to be an abnormally large number of very wealthy Chinese that had met their demise during the past eight years; 72 in fact. Their causes of death were even more unusual – fatal illness, suicides, murders, state execution and “accidents”.

Five Circumstances: 72 Chinese Billionaires Died Within Eight Years

According to the Hurun Report, in 2009, Mainland China had 55,000 people who were worth more than 100 million RMB. In 2010, this figure increased 9.1% to 60,000. Using this data, we can figure that the mortality rate for these 100-millionaires already exceeds 1.5 per 10,000. It has been reported that the most dangerous occupation in China is serving as a police officer; the police officer mortality rate is 3 per 10,000. So, it seems that “the super wealthy” should be added to this list of dangerous occupations, no?

Does overworking cause fatal illness?

The data indicates that the cause of death for 19 of the 72 multi-millionaires was illness (about 26%); making it the number one killer of the super rich. Among these cases, nine died from cardiovascular diseases, like cerebral embolisms, myocardial infarction, etc. Seven died from various forms of cancer. If these sorts of serious illness had been present in these people over many long years and they were getting old too, one couldn’t really say that this was such an unusual way to die. But these 19 individuals all passed away relatively young – on average at the age of 48 (youngest being 37 and the oldest being 59). One could say that the rich become wealthy through hard work, but are these habits of overworking, not relaxing, and not having a social life also causing their bodies to break down and succumb to diseases easier?

Does pessimism lead to defeat\failure?

Of the 72 individuals who died, 17 of them chose to end their own lives. Eight hung themselves, six jumped off buildings, three poisoned themselves, and one set himself on fire. Depression was determined to play a primary role in these individuals’ decisions. Why were they depressed? The media speculated that it might have been because they knew they were about to be exposed for something unsavoury, or because huge financial problems arose in their companies. After the infamous Mattel toy recall, the head of the production company having just lost his fortune and his honour, killed himself.

But, according to Senior Psychological Consultant Zhang Zhenhuan, in reality, for some wealthy people, these types of "business pressures" don’t cause them to get depressed; actually, it is because their lives are so different from those of ordinary people that they can’t identify with anyone; that is to say, they are incredibly lonely. This feeling of alienation leads to stress and frustration, but they feel that they are unable to seek the psychological treatment that normal people use, and instead bear their burdens in silence, until this leads to the logical extreme. The higher they climb; the harder they fall.

Murdered because of competition

According to the findings, 15 of the 72 individuals were murdered (20.8%). Behind each case, lies a gruesome story. In one case, an individual who didn’t comply with the excessive demands of a childhood friend, was shot to death in his office. In another case, the person was shot after being extorted by an acquaintance. In yet another case, because of a business dispute, the individual was hac-ked up by a hit man who was hired by his own business partner. Another individual was murdered after being pressed for repayment of debt. Regardless of whether the killer was a friend, business partner or competitor, they committed this heinous crime out of desire for money.

Put to death for being miscreants of the lowest order

Really, 14 of these individuals have no one to blame but themselves. They died because they severely violated the law, accumulation of wealth along the way and then got caught. Play with fire, and you’re going to get burned. One individual was executed in Shenyang not just for fraternising with the mob but for, for one reason or another, intentionally committing homicide among other crimes. Another individual was executed after it was discovered that he had been using his money to live an "indulgent lifestyle”, which is the nice way of saying that he sexually assaulted 24 underage girls and used his money to cover it up. Five people were put to death for illegally collecting (read: stealing) huge amounts of money, committing fraud and extorting other people.

Fun fact: of the 72 rich people that died, two were women, who were put to death for illegally using/stealing money. Interestingly, in the scope of this study, the proportion of deceased 100-millionaire men to women corresponds with the proportion of 100-millionaire men to women in China (91.72% of Chinese 100-millionaires are men).

Another Chinese saying explains the necessity for executing these kinds of people: the more one deceives, the harder they should be punished. Perhaps this is similar to the English saying “Mo' Money, Mo' problems”?

Cause of death determined as "accidental" (air quotes everywhere!)

In 2007, one individual died in Guangzhou due to high levels of thallium in his blood. The only problem is, it’s pretty difficult to be accidentally exposed to a lethal amount of thallium; instead it looks an awful lot like someone poisoned him. In another case, an individual, who apparently had a history of debt problems, was found by his driver after he “accidentally fell off a building.” Yet another individual was killed in an explosion after chemicals used for an experiment were “improperly mixed”. Although each case was officially labeled an accident, rumours of unlawful doings still surround them.

Reporter’s notes: how to be a rich "normal person"

In the process of researching and understanding each of these individuals’ background story and how it in one way or another brought about their demise, the journalist began to feel that that this group of 100-millionaires was in fact more fragile than normal people in many ways, most notably because they have more desires and they must endure greater pressures.

He finally notes that, even though the above report is in no way scientifically conclusive that being rich is inherently dangerous, it has become apparent to him that regardless of your amount of wealth, a good nature and a healthy lifestyle are two things that money cannot buy. Instead, the super-wealthy need to focus on figuring out how to live a bit more like normal people.


Aug 03, 2011By 

Ningbo ranks No.1 in China for the import under ECFA

The Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA) became effective in January this year, and this has boosted the trade between Ningbo and Taiwan. Statistics of Ningbo Customs show that in the first half this year, the import of Taiwan-made goods in the ECFA reaches 455,900 tons, valuing 738 million US dollars, covering 48.61% of the total import in the ECFA by China in the period, ranking No.1 in the country.

It is learned that the import of chemical materials covers a larger proportion. As an important chemical base, Ningbo has a great demand for chemical materials. The ECFA rules zero tariff for the chemical materials like acrylic and para-xylene and this made the Taiwan-made chemicals more competitive. From January to June, the import of para-xylene via Ningbo Customs values 340 million US dollars, and that of acrylic 290 million US dollars. The import of the two chemicals covers 80% of the total.

In addition to the chemicals, there has some increase in the import of Taiwan-made automobile components and mountain bikes, thanks to the competitive prices of these commodities.

To ensure the implement of the ECFA and promote the trade to Taiwan, Ningbo Customs has set up a special pass for the goods in the ECFA, which offers preferential services to the goods in the customs procedures.

HK Jewelry Exhibition Joining Hands with Ningbo Shopping Festival

The Hong Kong Premium Jewelry Exhibition was put on in the International Shopping Center of Ningbo on July 30. This is the fourth time that the jewelry exhibition has joined hands with Ningbo Shopping Festival. Ningbo has become a must stop of the HK jewelry exhibition, because the jewelry dealers of Hong Kong looks to the robust purchasing capacity of Ningbo people.

Hong Kong's jewelry, mostly featuring embedding, has enjoyed a good reputation in the world. The designers have designed particular jewelry fashions to cater to Ningbo customers. The brands exhibited included Ronghe, Haoting, and Linggan, as well as some new brands.

"Though the shopping festival lasts only 10 days, we don't value sales too much. What's more important is to make Ningbo people learn about HK jewelry", said a dealer. Models would be invited to showcase jewelries this time. In addition, lectures on jewelry culture would be given.

Taiwan benefitted by Ningbo's import

The early harvest programme of the Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA) is an important drive for the trade between Ningbo and Taiwan. According to statistics from Ningbo Customs, in the first half this year, out of the early harvest programme Ningbo imported 455,900 tons of commodities from Taiwan, valuing 738 million US dollars, covering 48.61% of the total import by China in the period. The import via Ningbo ranks No.1 in the country.

Of the imported commodities, the majority is chemical materials. With the implement of the early harvest program of the ECFA, the tariff to the chemical materials like acrylic and para-xylene has reduced to zero, and this made the Taiwan-made chemicals more competitive. In the first six months, the import of para-xylene via Ningbo customs is 340 million in value, and that of acrylic 290 million US dollars. In addition, the import of the Taiwan-made automobile components, mountain bikes and other daily commodities notably increased.

Thanks to the ECFA, in the first half of this year, the export in the early harvest programme via Ningbo customs reaches 43,250,000 US dollars, increased by 74% against the same period in the previous year.

On June 29, 2010, Chinese Mainland and Taiwan signed the ECFA and the early harvest programme was put in implement from January 1 this year. Tariff to about 800 commodities should be gradually reduced and zero tariff shall be implemented to all commodities within three years.

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