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Ningbo delegation grabs US$320 million at East China Fair

The 25th East China Fair, usually called the "first foreign trade fair in the new year", came to a conclusion on March 5. Statistics show that the total turnover reached US$2.566 billion, down by 7.01% over the previous session. Ningbo business delegation realized a transaction volume of US$320 million, ranking No.3 among the 14 delegations.

This session of fair is divided into four specialized exhibition areas for garments, home textiles, decorations and gifts, and consumer goods, respectively, with 5780 booths. Ningbo delegation, composed of 278 enterprises, obtained 429 booths. During the five days of the session, 21200 overseas merchants from 114 countries and regions participated in the fair. It is important to note that compared with the previous sessions when the foreign trade situation was good, the overseas orders are much smaller and most of them are short-term ones. "The situation for the foreign trade is indeed severe. We only get some short-term and small orders, and the total volume of the orders has declined a lot." said a delegate from Ningbo Yongnan Knitting Co. Ltd.

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