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Citizen Square of eastern new town to open to public

Word came from Ningbo Municipal Preparatory Office on September 23 that the Citizen Square, another large public space in the Eastern New Town for public recreation and leisure, has been completed and officially open to public.

Located at the south of the administration center of the core area of the Eastern New Town, the square integrates water features, bridges, sculptures and various kinds of green vegetation, with a total area of 146,000 square meters and a water covering area of 96,000 square meters. In the middle is an open area of lake, originally the Houtang River, which has been broadened from 30 meters wide to 170 meters at the widest section. Around the central lake, there is a five-meter wide slow-traffic footpath for people to cycle, job or walk on. There are seven landscape bridges, which will add fun to people walking or cycling around.

The square is convenient in traffic, and the citizens can get off at the North Fuqing Road Station of the Rail Transit Line No.1 and walk to the square. Some projects are still under construction, such as Ningbo Library, Ningbo Urban Exhibition Hall and the Workers' Home. In the future, a comprehensive gallery integrating such functions as business, education, leisure and entertainment will take shape to connect the square with the ecological corridor. 

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