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Ningbo's five intangible cultural heritage treasures were unveiled

at the National Centre for the Performing Arts

This is an intangible cultural heritage exhibition with unique artistic charm in Ningbo.

On the afternoon of August 9, the "Happy Ningbo-Warm Old · Intangible Cultural Heritage Exhibition" opened at the National Centre for the Performing Arts in Beijing, and five national intangible cultural heritage items including Ninghai Shili Red Makeup Wedding

Customs, Zhujin Lacquer Wood Carving, Clay Gold Colored Lacquer, Gold and Silver Colored Embroidery, and Bone Wood Inlay made a stunning appearance. The huge exhibition hall was crowded, and the guests and the audience were immersed in the prosperous scenery of Ningbo's intangible cultural heritage, and marveled at the beauty of wedding customs and craftsmanship in eastern Zhejiang......

Five intangible cultural heritage debuts, praised by foreign audiences as "masterpieces among artworks"

At the scene, with the official unveiling of the exquisite "Wangong Sedan Car", the chapel link from the "Ninghai Ten Miles of Red Makeup Wedding Customs" was cheered by the audience, which kicked off the "2024 Ningbo Intangible Cultural Heritage Theme Year" exhibition and display activities in Beijing.

The theme of this exhibition is "Happy Ningbo", and the bright Ningbo red gives the National Centre for the Performing Arts a strong festive atmosphere. The heavy folk customs and traditional handicrafts of eastern Zhejiang show a timeless charm on a larger stage.

When this exquisite craftsmanship and beautiful "Wangong sedan chair" was displayed in front of everyone, everyone's eyes were instantly attracted. Their faces were full of surprise and admiration, their eyes were wide open, and they involuntarily approached the sedan chair, studying every exquisite detail, and their mouths let out soft exclamations from time to time.

Leo, a tourist from France, said excitedly: "This is simply a masterpiece of art." In his opinion, such intricate craftsmanship and gorgeous decoration make foreign tourists deeply feel the profoundness and unique charm of traditional Chinese culture. There are also many spectators standing next to the sedan chair, picking up their cameras to take pictures, wanting to freeze this stunning forever......

At the opening ceremony, Chen Gaihong, director of Ningbo Zhujin Lacquer Wood Carving Art Museum and producer of "Wangong Sedan Chair", introduced the ingenuity of Zhujin Lacquer Wood Carving masterpiece "Wangong Sedan Chair" and Ningbo's "Three Gold and One Embedded" to the audience.

"The '10,000-worker sedan chair' is named because it takes more than 10,000 man-hours to make, and the craftsmanship is complex and gorgeous. It adopts a variety of decorative techniques such as relief, openwork and gilding. Connected by a mortise and tenon structure, without a single nail, it is composed of hundreds of detachable flower plates, which can be described as exquisite. Chen Gaihong introduced.

It is worth mentioning that as the finale of this exhibition, "Wangong Sedan" has amazed the audience in CCTV's "National Treasure" column, and it is also one of the treasures of Zhejiang Provincial Museum. It is not only a symbol of the wedding customs of eastern Zhejiang, but also a representative of Ningbo's intangible cultural heritage art.

This exhibition, like a "box full of intangible cultural heritage treasures", contains the long-standing and endless mystery of the cultural context of eastern Zhejiang.

Around the exhibition hall, a piece of exquisite vermilion lacquer wood carving works, with its delicate carvings and gorgeous colors are amazing; The lacquer works, with their gorgeous and colorful patterns and unique craftsmanship, have attracted many audiences to stop and watch; The exhibits of gold and silver embroidery are even more dazzling, and the exquisite and delicate traditional craftsmanship of Ningbo is fully displayed between the needles and threads; The bone wood inlay works show the extraordinary wisdom of Ningbo craftsmen with their ingenious ideas and exquisite inlay skills......

The atmosphere of the exhibition was warm, and audiences from all over the world listened to the history of Ningbo's intangible cultural heritage. "These intangible cultural heritage works are simply shocking, each one embodies the wisdom and hard work of the people of Ningbo, and makes people feel the strong vitality of traditional culture." A tourist from Guangdong commented.

Experts praised: "This is a start of Ningbo's intangible cultural heritage on a new journey"

It is understood that this exhibition not only carries the customs of Ningbo, but also displays the crystallization of the wisdom and creativity of the people of Ningbo. The "Beauty of Marriage Customs" and "Art Journey" in the exhibition also lead the audience into the magnificent world of Ningbo's traditional folk art.

In terms of exhibition design, we also strive for innovation and breakthroughs. The design of the entire exhibition hall is inspired by the "caisson" style architecture device of the dome of the main hall of Ningbo Baoguo Temple, and the cultural symbols of Ningbo's ancient architecture are also vividly displayed in front of the audience.

While displaying Ningbo's intangible cultural heritage, the exhibition also brought Ningbo's unique "reminiscent" brand of intangible cultural heritage to Beijing. As the brand carrier of Ningbo's intangible cultural heritage innovation and communication, it injects the soul of "inheritance and innovation", interprets the intangible cultural heritage of "warmth and story", and leads the audience to explore the mystery of a city together.

"The story scenes of traditional Chinese culture and traditional values carried by the image of 'Wangong sedan chair' and red makeup utensils ultimately point to guide people how to work hard to build a happy family, and from there, form a self-cultivation, family harmony, governance of the country, and peace in the world." Song Zhen, deputy director of the Ningbo Cultural Center, said that how the excellent traditional culture of ancient times can be transformed into "emotional value" that continues to inspire us and create a practical significance that is in line with the development of the current era is the core question discussed in this exhibition.

Song Zhen said that as an important part of the "2024 Ningbo Intangible Cultural Heritage Theme Year" exhibition series of activities in Beijing, this exhibition also presents the traditional beauty and modernity behind "Happy Ningbo" to the world, and it is also an important output of "cultural power, Ningbo has opera".

More than 10 domestic experts and scholars in the field of intangible cultural heritage, including Ma Shengde, former deputy director of the Department of Intangible Cultural Heritage of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Yuan Li, researcher and doctoral supervisor of the Chinese Academy of Arts, Zhou Jianming, director of the Planning Institute of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development and international expert on intangible cultural heritage, Sun Dongning, academic dean of the China Academy of Intangible Cultural Heritage, and Liu Yuxiao, director of the Art Department of the National Centre for the Performing Arts, attended the opening ceremony of the exhibition.

"In terms of the strategic expression of national cultural symbols, Ningbo has carried out a unique cultural symbol display with the theme of marine culture and local intangible cultural heritage. Holding such an exhibition has a unique and exemplary role throughout the country. After watching the exhibition, Sun Dongning deeply felt that this "Rejoicing Ningbo - Reminiscence· Intangible Cultural Heritage Exhibition" is a departure for the guardians of Ningbo's intangible cultural heritage in the new era and new journey.

On the opening day of the exhibition, the "Rhyme of Intangible Cultural Heritage, the Light of Civilization - Ningbo Intangible Cultural Heritage Integrity Innovation and Urban Sustainable Development Seminar" and the Ningbo Intangible Cultural Heritage Classroom Experience Session were also held simultaneously.

The exhibition is hosted by the National Centre for the Performing Arts, Ningbo Municipal Bureau of Culture, Radio, Television and Tourism, and Beijing Ningbo Economic Construction Promotion Association, and organized by Ningbo Cultural Center (Ningbo Intangible Cultural Heritage Protection Center) and Ningbo Intangible Cultural Heritage Protection Association, and will last until August 25

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