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Scenic spots are free of appointment, museums are open

for extended hours, and Ningbo releases “Eight Summer Rules”

Ningbo Library. (Photo by Pan Miao) On July 23, the Ningbo Municipal Bureau of Culture, Radio, Television and Tourism issued the “Eight Summer Measures” - “Come to Ningbo for a Summer” Summer Ningbo Cultural Tourism Eight Measures to Promote Consumption,

adding “another fire” to the hot summer period

Specifically, the “Summer Eight” includes consumption activities, summer products, measures to benefit the people, convenience measures, venue services, country houses, cultural tourism brands, and market order.

Wonderful activities are the “best match” for summer! At present, the city has successively launched a series of activities of the 2024 Ningbo Cultural Tourism Consumption Season of “Yongcheng Fireworks and Cool Midsummer Night”, covering more than 150 activities in various forms such as cultural tourism markets, immersive experiences, and online delivery. Among them, the series of activities of the “Ningbo Good Market” cultural tourism consumption market will launch a theme cultural tourism market around five major sections: Ningbo taste, Ningbo courtesy, Ningbo rhyme, Ningbo tourism, and Ningbo fun; In the live broadcast room of cultural tourism celebrities, “cloud experience” cultural tourism popular products, copy the bottom and kill the products; The new Ningbo nighttime cultural tourism consumption map, as well as the two-month “100 counties and 1000 bowls” top ten food blocks (seafood stalls) PK competition, will carry out the food to the end.

At the same time, it carefully planned a series of summer cultural tourism activities of “Come to Ningbo for a Summer”, integrated all kinds of resources in the city, combined with ten major business districts and hundreds of scenic homestays, and launched five major sections and more than 1,000 cultural and tourism activities. Do a good job in the integration of “events + cultural tourism”, “performing arts + cultural tourism” and “exhibition + cultural tourism”, organize industry associations such as hotels, homestays, scenic spots, performances, culture and entertainment to seize the summer consumption season, and guide all kinds of cultural and tourism market entities to package products and optimize services.

It also started a series of activities with the theme season of “Hundreds of Accommodations and Thousands of Villages, This Peace of Mind is Yongxiang”, relying on characteristic homestays such as Yishan, Binhai, Lanhu Lake, and Xicheng, we sincerely invite everyone to go to the mountains, lakes and seas, stay away from the hustle and bustle, feel the local characteristic culture, and taste the authentic flavor food.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that the “Summer Eight Articles” proposed to improve the convenience measures, the city's A-level tourist attractions generally implement reservation-free access, and the state-owned museum cancels the reservation of non-group audiences (Ningbo Submarine Exhibition Park still needs to make an appointment in advance due to the limited area of the venue), provide high-quality summer cultural tourism product supply, and continue to improve service quality.

At the same time, 26 museums and libraries in the city continue to carry out extended services, and the opening hours of every weekend and statutory holidays are extended to 9 p.m.; Encourage qualified A-level tourist attractions to extend their opening and business hours, and expand the space for night consumption.

Measures to benefit the people are also indispensable! Jointly with CCB Ningbo Branch to launch an exclusive “gift package” for the benefit of the people; Different degrees of preferential treatment will be given to accommodation enterprises, A-level tourist attractions and other products; Encourage all kinds of cultural and tourism market entities to launch special summer discounts and promotional package activities.

In terms of promoting the cultural tourism brand, we will continue to carry out the promotion of cultural tourism resources and products, and promote the summer theme series of activities of “Come to Ningbo for a Summer”, “Ningbo Ten Scenic Spots and Ten Lines”, “Mingzhou Ten Scenic Spots and Ten Lines”, Ningbo Cultural Tourism Night Tour Routes and Consumption Maps, and organize the 2024 Yangtze River Delta Million People Tour Ningbo Activity, so as to launch the “Ningbo, Come and Rejoice” brand


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