Copyright 2024 - Ningbo Life / Ningbo Expat

Ningbo Mixer 4th November Shangri La Hotel

The “NINGBOEXPAT MIXER”. -OPEN FOR ALL-  will be held on 4th November  between 18:45 till 21:30. Buy your Rmb 80 voucher at the entrance and get 2 Drinks - Draft Beer Tsing Tao or Carlsberg, Red and White Wine, Soft Drinks and Chilled Juices and  in combination with selected Complimentary food   A great place for new comers to Ningbo and meeting old friends again. The theme "Mingle and Enjoy".  Entrance is free ( consummation voucher Rmb 80 for 2 drinks and complimentary food live music at the entrance)

“No strings attached” -


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