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Ningbo metro Line 1 invites 50,000 people for test ride

The Ningbo Metro Group launched a test ride program and is inviting 50,000 people to take the Ningbo metro Line 1 for free. The main goal of the program is to seek advice from the residents so that the Ningbo Metro Group can correct the shortcomings for better services before operations begin. 

The test ride program will be held from May 21st to May 25th, and it plans to invite a total of 50,000 residents to experience the test ride. A free test ride coupon is needed to attend the program, and the passengers can get their coupons through the following 4 ways: 

1. Download the application form from the website - the coupons are limited to 5,000 people. 
2. Apply for coupons at certain metro Line 1 stations from May 17th to May 19th (9:00-11:00, 14:00-16:00) - one person can only apply for 3 coupons. 
3. People in groups can order coupons by calling 83884640. 
4. Attend the activity initiated by the Ningbo Metro Group on the Sina Weibo to get coupons by lottery. 
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