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Ningbo in the eye of reporters

"Wonderful scenery," this is the common experience of the over 30 reporters after their three-day visit to Ningbo.

From May 30 to June 1, reporters for the "Beautiful China Reporter Program" visited Ningbo. Reporters and editors from over 30 media including Xinhuanet, Jiefang Daily, Economic Observer and Beijing Youth Daily paid a visit to Zhaobao Mountain Scenic Spot, Shipu Town, Hangzhou Bay Wetland Park, Zhenhai Memorial Hall of Coast Defense Works, China Air Defense Expo Park and Ningbo Bang Museum.

The "Beautiful China Reporter Program" is an important part of the comprehensive assessment of the leisure cities of China 2013. The reporters in this program will visit, experience and report the leisure industry of the cities for the assessment. The "comprehensive assessment of the leisure cities of China 2013" is an important project organized by National Tourism Administration. The project, aiming to assess 302 cities, is now the largest, most authoritative and interactive assessment of leisure cities of China.

In recent years, Ningbo has accelerated the upgrading of the tourism industry by the construction of tourism bases so as to turn itself into a best tourist destination in the Changjiang River Delta. At present, the city has 45 demonstrative tourism bases, including 16 comprehensive bases, and 29 bases with distinct features. In 2011 to 2012, Ningbo were elected the "Best Leisure Cities of China".

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