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Cixi Ranks 1st in Development Level of Agriculture Modernization in Zhejiang

Cixi comes first in Zhejiang Province for its development level of agricultural modernization. Recently, 2013 Comprehensive Assessment of Development Level of Agricultural Modernization of Zhejiang Province has been released, according to which Cixi takes the first place among all the counties, county-level cities and districts in Zhejiang with a score of 85.2511, 2 points higher than the runner-up.

  This comprehensive assessment system is a significant tool for Zhejiang to examine the results of agricultural modernization itself under the strategic framework of synchronizing new industrialization, urbanization, informationalization and agricultural modernization proposed during the 18th National Congress of the CPC. It shows that the People’s Government and Party Committee of Zhejiang attach great importance to the modernization of agriculture. This comprehensive and convenient assessment system is of great importance for Zhejiang to evaluate its development level of agricultural modernization and to diagnose its agricultural modernization process.   

    The assessment system has 26 indices in three classes, namely agricultural output, factor input and sustainable development. Cixi is in the first place in terms of following five indices: ratio of output of agriculture-led industries, labor productivity, organizations of agricultural industrialization helping peasant households, agricultural credit insurance index and agri-tourism index. In addition, Cixi got high scores in such indices as agricultural added value index, agricultural product processing foreign trade index, agricultural land yield rate and farmers’ income index.



    We follow the new trend of synchronizing industrialization, urbanization, informationalization and agriculture modernization and seize the opportunity brought by Hangzhou Bay Bridge. Cixi assemble resources for agricultural modernization by dint of the fruit of industrialization, the demand of urbanization as well as information technology. A new development pattern of modern agriculture has been set up, in which the production base is in the form of park, legal persons seek cooperation, the function of industry is diversified, services are accessible to the whole society and products are safe and quality. 


In the past three decades since the reform and opening up, Cixi has set up a very good example in every stage of agricultural modernization of Zhejiang. Cixi regards agriculture as the basic industry all the time and gives more and more attention as well as support to agriculture. NO.1 documents supporting agriculture, rural area and farmers have been released for consecutive 26 years by People’s Government and Party Committee of Cixi. Governmental financial assistance for agriculture reaches over 600 million yuan every year. At the same time, an agricultural financial service system has been set up and is being improved, owing to which binding companies providing small amount of loans for farmers and policy-based agricultural insurance can help resisting risks imposed on agriculture. Cixi is the first to restructure agriculture industry. The ratio of output of five leading products reaches 90%, namely exported vegetables, quality fruits, special aquatic products, flowers and seedlings as well as environment-friendly livestock (bees). At present, there are near 10 agri-tourism spots in Cixi including Grand Bridge Ecological Farm, waxberry bases and Wanmufan Experience Base. Cixi also has been making innovations in organizing system and operation mechanism, due to which the successful case of land transfer created by Cixi has been spread to the whole country. Cixi took the lead to develop the pattern of family farm, which has become one of the five exemplars in Chinese agriculture. This pattern involves 330 agriculture processing enterprises, 547 specialized cooperatives, 8,000 odd households and 1,116 registered family farms in Cixi. Among them, leading agricultural enterprises links more than 300 thousand peasant households as well as agriculture bases of 246,667 hectares. The total area of family farm in Cixi amounts to 93,333 hectares. Its share of total output reaches 23% and its output every 0.0667 hectare is 30% higher than that of other peasant households.     

Agricultural department of Cixi says that this assessment system made a relatively comprehensive and objective evaluation on Cixi’s agricultural modernization process. From the assessment, we can see our advantages as well as our shortcomings. For example, Cixi scored relatively low in grain yield index and in the operation area of specialized agricultural cooperatives. We shall pay enough attention to our shortcomings, analyze the causes and overcome them in time.

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