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Am Ostufer des Westsees und westlich des Taihu - Wo steht China heute?

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, Liebe Mitglieder, (AHK)

ich möchte Sie hiermit herzlich zu der Veranstaltung "Am Ostufer des Westsees und westlich des Taihu - Wo steht China heute?" mit Herrn Generalkonsul Dr. Wolfgang Röhr am 14.04.2014 in Hangzhou einladen.

Generalkonsul Dr. Wolfgang Röhr, geb. 1948, ist seit 2010 deutscher Generalkonsul in Shanghai. Von 2007 bis 2010 hat er als Botschafter im Auswärtigen Amt die Veranstaltungsreihe "Deutschland und China - Gemeinsam in Bewegung" geleitet, deren knapp 1.000 Verstanstaltungen von über 1,5 Mio. Teilnehmern besucht wurden. Einen großen Teil seiner diplomatischen Laufbahn verbrachte Dr. Röhr in China: in den 80er und 90er Jahren als Leiter der Politischen Abteilung der Botschaft Peking und von 2002 bis 2007 als Generalkonsul in Shanghai. Außerdem war er im Auswärtigen Amt für Ostasien zuständig. Weitere Positionen bekleidete Herr Dr. Röhr in Genf und New York sowie Tel Aviv.

Ich würde mich freuen, Sie zu diesem Jahresrück- und Ausblick in Hangzhou begrüßen zu dürfen. Weitere Informationen, sowie den Link zur Anmeldung finden Sie hier.

Da wir nicht über alle Kontaktdaten deutschsprachiger Interessenten und Expatriates in Hangzhou verfügen, würde ich mich freuen, wenn Sie diese Einladung auch an Interessenten aus Ihrem eigenen Netzwerk weiterleiten könnten. Gerne nehme ich auch Ihre Kontaktvorschläge entgegen und bereite entsprechende Einladungen vor. 

Sprache: Deutsch

Datum:14. April 2014, 19 Uhr 

Preis:Mitglieder 170 RMB, Nichtmitglieder 250 RMB Ehepartner, Studenten und Praktikanten 70 RMB

Ort: Wyndham Grand Plaza Royale, No. 555 Fengqi Road, Hangzhou, 杭州温德姆至尊豪廷大酒店, 杭州市凤起路555号

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Mit freundlichen Gruessen/ Best regards

 Fabian Schneider 史沛恩

Regional Manager Jiangsu & Zhejiang Province


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Ningbo to speed up internationalization of the city

At the meeting held on March 27 on the promotion of internationalization of the city, Ningbo Municipal Party Committee and Ningbo Municipal Government released "Outlines of Ningbo for Promoting Internationalization of the City. The outline consists of 9 actions, which takes the internationalization of the city as the impetus for the opening and the rising of the comprehensive competitiveness of the city. In the coming 10 years, the city will make great efforts to turn itself into a regional central city in the Changjiang River Delta, and by 2030 the city shall become a quite influential internationalized city in the Asian-Pacific region.

The outline specifies the targets between 2020 and 2030. In the first stage (between 2014 and 2020), Shanghai and Shenzhen will be the target pod. In the 2nd stage (between 2021 and 2030), Hong Kong and Busan will the target pod of the city.

In the first stage, Ningbo will concentrate on the industrial highland that have more international elements. It will have enterprises with international competitiveness, introduce a number of hi-end international talents, build infrastructural facilities needed by an internationalized city, have perfect functions in international trade, international shipping, and financing, have good environment for living and business, and perfect urban economic functionality.

Read more: Ningbo to speed up...

Ningbo in the lead of China for efficiency of use of water

March 22 is the 22nd World Water Day. According to the Bulletin of Ningbo of Water Resources 2013, the water quality of the major water drinking water resources maintains good. The five large reservoirs as drinking water resources for the urban areas of the city basically maintain Class II in quality higher than the average of cities of the same rank. In addition, the city has witnessed a stable growth in the quantity of domestic water uses. In 2013 the total of water consumption in the city exceeded 2.2 billion cubic meters and in general the water consumption per GDP and that per 10,000 yuan industrial added value have witnessed a steady reduction. In 2013 the growth of industrial water consumption is far below the growth of the industrial added value. This indicates that Ningbo is in the lead of China in the efficiency of water consumption.

The bulletin show that in 2013, the total of water consumption reaches 2.214 billion cubic meters. Of the total, the total of domestic uses is 479 million cubic meters, about 3.0% more than in 2012, covering 21.6%% of the total. Of the 27 drinking water resources, 20 reach Class II for surface water standard, covering 74.1% of the total.

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Ningbo speeding up construction of aged welfare facilities

According to statistics of Ningbo Municipal Office of the Affairs of the Aged People, by the end of 2013, Ningbo had 1,187,000 residents aged above 70, covering 20.5 % of the total population, and Ningbo is now a moderate ageing society. It is estimated that by 2020, the aged population will reach 1.6 million, covering about one fourth of the total. This is a challenge for Ningbo Municipal Party Committee and Ningbo Municipal Government. The Three-year Action Plan for Economic and Social Development of Ningbo points out that Ningbo should make great efforts to carry out the projects of the livelihood of the people, accelerate the development of social undertakings, speed up the construction of a number of aged welfare facilities, and by 2015, the city should have at least 40 beds for the aged per 1,000 aged people. The expansion project of Ningbo Social Welfare House is listed in the Three-year Action Plan for Economic and Social Development of Ningbo.

Facing the reality that Ningbo is now a moderate ageing society, as early as in 2012, Ningbo started the action. ON September 2012, Ningbo Municipal Party Committee and Ningbo Municipal Government held a meeting on the promotion of the ageing service facilities. At the meeting, the general targets and requirements for the services for the aged were specified. In order to mobilize social factors to join in the construction of the ageing service facilities, Ningbo released "Opinions on Improving Social Old Age Service System", the Three-year Action Plan for Social Ageing Service Facilities of Ningbo and Special Plan for the Layout of Ageing Service Facilities 2012-2020. The Three-year Action Plan specifies the guidelines, fundamental principles, targets and requirements, and favorable policies in land uses, financing, talent training and tax

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Multiple transit lines in urban areas planned in Ningbo

The metro line No.1 will soon be in use in central urban area of Ningbo. More and more people are wondering if it is possible for surrounding counties around Ningbo to have transit lines. According to "The Master Plan of Ningbo (2004-2020)", there will be several regional rail transit lines be built between central urban areas of Ningbo and the surrounding counties, making possible an "one-hour traffic circle" over next few years, said an official of the City Planning Bureau on March 17th . This is the first time that the concept of regional transit lines of a city is known to the public. 
Ningbo has already opened a high speed train and will soon start its urban rail transit. The regional rail, generally speaking, is also a kind of rail transport between the high speed rail transport and the urban rail transport in running speed, station density and passenger capacity. Regional rail well connects the central urban areas and the surrounding counties. It is more efficient, low-carbon and more comfortable compared with the traditional road transport. 
According to the City Planning Bureau, there will be at least four regional rail lines in Ningbo, namely: a line starting from Ningbo East Railway Station, going along Xiaoshan-Ningbo Railway, through the center of Yuyao and ending at Mazhu; a line from Shuangqiao Station to Zhougangbei station, going through the center of Cixi; a line from Chenpodu station to the center of Fenghua and Ninghai; a line from Hengxi station through Xiangshan county to Shipu.


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