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Ningbo specialties well received at Agricultural Products Fair in Shanghai

The 2016 Zhejiang Specialty Agricultural Products Fair was held at Shanghai Everbright Convention and Exhibition Center on December 16, and over 1000 Ningbo specialties from 94 leading agricultural companies and specialized farms cooperatives attended the fair. 
The agricultural products from Zhejiang Province, especially from Ningbo, have been well received in Shanghai, and the yearly specialty agricultural products fair has been popular among the local citizens. The agricultural products for this year's fair include the fresh fruits and vegetables, seafood, processed livestock and poultry products and grain and oil products. The specialties of some leading agricultural enterprises, such as Xiangshan Oranges, Wanghai Tea and Yizhonghe, are exhibited prominently at the center with special features

Ningbo Begins Transformation and Upgrade of Culture and Entertainment Industry

It is learnt from Ningbo Bureau of Culture, Broadcasting, Television, Press and Publication that an action plan for promoting transformation and upgrade of culture and entertainment industry in Ningbo has been officially published. It is learnt that public cultural services offered by self-service KTVs will be included in the government purchase of public cultural services.

Since 2012, Ningbo, like other cities in China, has met hardships in the development of culture and entertainment industry and recorded years of shrinking profits with forty or fifty entertainment places closed each year. It is high time we started transformation and upgrade of the 500 entertainment places in Ningbo. Ningbo Municipal Bureau of Culture published Opinions on the Transformation and Upgrade of Culture and Entertainment Industry. According to the documents released from Municipal Bureau of Culture and Department of Culture of Zhejiang Province and actual conditions in Ningbo, Ningbo put forward the action plan for promoting transformation and upgrade of culture and entertainment industry in Ningbo.

Read more: Ningbo Begins Transformation and...

Flood Prevention and Management Plan Will Start in 2017

The three-year action plan of Ningbo Water Management successfully came to an end with the completion of the 9-billion-yuan investment plan in water conservatory beforehand. The actual investment has added up to 15.68 billion yuan, 15 billion more than the planed. Fifty-three major projects have been carried out, of which 42 completed and 11 under way.

Ningbo has basically completed the key construction projects of the three-year water action plan. Among others, the construction of flood embankments of the mainstreams and branches of Yaojiang River, Fenghuajiang River and Yongjiang River have been basically completed in the Yongjiang River Flood Control Project; drainage channels in basins like Xiaoxiajiang River and Yanshangan River have been fully built; emergency drainage pump stations constructed have added up to 8 with a drainage capacity of 320 cubic meters per second; the rehabilitation of 67 water reservoirs has been completed and curative measures have been taken to deal with 1,070 hilly ponds; the river desilting project cleaned out 750,000 cubic meters of sludge of Yaojiang River, Fenghuajiang River and Yongjiang River, lowering the river bed elevation by 1.5 meter on average and increasing the cross-section by 28.8%.

Read more: Flood Prevention and Management Plan...

Three-year Action Plan of Ningbo Beautiful Small Towns Construction

The Three-year Action Plan of Ningbo Beautiful Small Towns Construction was announced on December 8. The action plan includes 6 parts (i.e. planning and design guide, health care, road occupation management, reckless driving management, illegal wiring management and management of small businesses) to complete the comprehensive improvement of the environment of 112 towns until the end of 2019.

The action plan shows that in order to solve the sanitation problems special stress will be laid on the environmental improvement of the old residential areas, urban villages, rural-urban fringes, old towns, public lavatories, restaurants and small enterprises. By the end of 2019, Ningbo will achieve the full coverage of the construction of sanitary towns (streets) with 20% National Sanitary Towns.

The action plan demonstrates that measures will be taken to prevent parking violation, illegal heaps, market stalls, digging, construction and unauthorized use of slogans to improve the road traffic environment.

According to the action plan, Ningbo will ensure 80% citizens will abide by the traffic law in the built-up areas of the towns (streets) and basically ban fuel-powered vehicles. 

Read more: Three-year Action Plan of Ningbo...

Home built for volunteers

After over one year's preparation, to serve 550,000 registered volunteers and over 1400 volunteer organizations, Ningbo Municipal Committee of Communist Youth League, Ningbo Volunteer Association and Ningbo Civilization Office launched the "We" volunteer service platform, integrating such services as professional registration, post issuing, supply-demand docking, service record, organizing and managing, educational training, and intelligent matching in both Chinese and English. The platform makes it possible for everyone interested to become a volunteer by breaking the information barrier. 
The platform has so far attracted over 1500 professional volunteers and launched about 100 volunteer posts in 16 categories, including community services, credit check, English translation, tutor service for college students, museum illustration, environmental protection and psychological consultancy. With the "online shopping" concept, the volunteers can log onto the We platform, then the post information will be ordered in line with the volunteers' specialty and intended service time, realizing the smart docking of volunteers and posts.

Read more: Home built for volunteers


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