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Five High Lights of the first “Health Expo”

According to the news conference held in Beijing, the first China (Ningbo) International Healthy Senior Service Industry Expo will be held in Ningbo International Conference and Exhibition Center from September 15th to 17th this year. The theme of the expo is More developing healthy senior service industry, much better old peoples life.

This time, the expo is sponsored by the Ningbo government and China Social Welfare and Pension Service Association, and organized by Ningbo Aged Working Committee and Ningbo Municipal Civil Affairs Bureau.

The Health Expo will have five sparkling characteristics. Firstly, the merging of north and south. There are Aged Expo in the north and Health Expo in the south, which echo and merge each other. The Health Expo this time will focus on the development of the health care for the aged people and long-term care, the application, technology and market of healthy senior service industry. Secondly, the integration of the Yangtze River Delta. The expo will bring the advantage of Shanghai, Hangzhou and Ningbo into full play, and invite some wisdom elderly

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The 2nd Ningbo International Micro Film Festival Starts Collecting Films Globally

On August 4th, the second Ningbo International Micro Film Festival began to collect films all over the world. Compared to the last year, the competition units and awards sets have some difference this time.

According to the reports, the film festival has 5 competition units, including 2 primary units, micro film and network film, and 3 added units. To promote the communication and cultural blending of people along “The Road and Belt, the film festival added The Road and Belt(international short film) unit, the best foreign language film and international communication award. Furthermore, in order to boost the development of documentary film, the documentary film unit and best documentary film award was newly set. With the view of encouraging students to create more better films, the film festival added the unit of student work and some awards for separate items, such as the best student work, director, screenwriter, cameraman, actor and actress

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Ningbo branch of “Harmony & Beauty Award” for architectural decoration launched

Sponsored by Zhejiang Architectural Decoration Association, the Ningbo branch of the Harmony & Beauty Award for Architectural Decoration in Zhejiang Province was officially launched on July 30. With the theme of harmonious and beautiful design, the activity aims to recognize those home designers in pursuit of distinctive innovation and excellent quality. It is hoped that this years activity will witness the emerging of more talented designers in Ningbo.

At the design forum, some distinctive designers shared their works and ideas. According to the conventioneers, with the coming of the era of full decoration of new houses, the industry and consumers will pay more attention to such problems as decoration pollution and environment-friendliness of the building materials, so it is a must to convey the intelligent, healthy and beautiful life-style to each household through careful and professional design

Final of 2017 E-commerce Conference rounded off

The No Boundary 2017 E-commerce Conference came to an end on the afternoon of August 3 in Ningbo. As a final result, the Yunji Sharing Technology Co. Ltd., Ningbo Yunmodel Network Technology Co. Ltd., Yuyao Supply & Marketing E-commerce Co. Ltd., Hangzhou Jiku Information Technology Co. Ltd. and the E-tao Internet Industrial Park won the laurels for the brand group, the emerging enterprise group, the rural group, the cross-border group and the industrial park group respectively.

Reportedly, the E-commerce Conference was officially launched on March 30, attracting over 350 enterprises from Ningbo and Hangzhou for competition. At last, ten of the candidates made it to the final. On the final day, the ten enterprises made great efforts to show themselves. For the brand group, ONE MORE and Yunji Wechat Shop showed their innovative models for the sales channel. Such platform enterprises as the Yunmodel and the Mulong Intelligent Online Celebrity Services presented their efficiency in integrating the online celebrity resources. The Testcoo Online Inspection Platform demonstrated its integration of the belt and road initiative into the construction of enterprises. The E-tao Internet Industrial Park and the Chinese Rural E-commerce Expo Park served as samples for the construction of the E-commerce industrial parks in China

Various activities to be held for Mass Body-building Day

Ningbo Sports Bureau announced the information on the activities for the Mass Body-building Day (August 8) on the afternoon of July 31. It shows that during the period around August 8, a total of 35 body-building activities will be held at the municipal and district (or county) levels, with about 24,700 people involved.

On the evening of August 5, the Dongqian Lake Fitness Walking Meeting will be held. The major activity of the chess for 10,000 people at the same time will be held on August 8. On the same day, the Ningbo station of the 2017 World Walking Day activity will be held


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