Copyright 2024 - Ningbo Life / Ningbo Expat

Beach tour explodes

Days of high temperature brings more visitors to the Songlanshan Resort of Xiangshan County. This picture shows the visitors enjoying the fun of a seaside holiday on the afternoon of July 28.

Ningbo strives to be a low-carbon city

It is learned from the promotion meeting for the construction of low-carbon city pilot that Ningbo will take strides on the way to become a low-carbon city. 
Since the beginning of the 12th Five-Year Plan period, Ningbo has made great progress in energy conservation in all fields. In terms of energy structure, the exploitation and utilization of natural gas, a kind of clean energy, continues to accelerate, with the annual consumption of 1.66 billion cubic meters. Besides the promotion of “coal to gas” or “oil to gas” in such fields as power generation and transportation, the natural gas is entering the homes of residential customers, the number of which has reached 600,000 so far. In addition, the use of solar energy, wind energy and biomass energy has also become the major trend in Ningbo. With regard to such aspects as key sectors of energy conservation and recycling economy, Ningbo has also been making progress in “green” development.
After becoming a low-carbon city pilot, Ningbo has conducted a series of fundamental work, including the establishment of a working system and the researches on basic subjects. To strengthen the capacity for low-carbon development, in addition to the propulsion mechanism, Ningbo will carry out the preparation work for greenhouse gas emission inventory and establish the managing system for data and information enquiry. The overall planning for low-carbon development in Ningbo will be developed as well as the special planning for such key fields as industries, energy, transportation and construction. Researches on key soft subjects will be carried out. To promote the work in key fields, Ningbo will strive to complete the research on the “market-oriented financial service innovation in low-carbon energy conservation industry”. It will also endeavor to apply for the comprehensive pilot city for national power demand management, in order to give full play to the city’s potential and benefits in optimizing power resource allocation.

Another township bank established

Recently, Haishu Pudong Development Township Bank has opened to the public, increasing the number of township banks in Ningbo to 12.
Haishu Pudong Development Township Bank is mainly sponsored by Shanghai Pudong Development Bank, and other co-founders include Liangfeng Share-holding Economic Cooperative in Haishu District, and Ningbo GQY. The registered capital stands at 100 million yuan. The Pudong Development Bank holds 51% of the shares and other corporate legal persons, 49%.
The bank, based on Haishu District, will provide services to SMEs, private businesses and residents in urban and rural areas, with the strategy of differentiated competition.

“100,000 Zhejiang businessmen entering 100 zones” campaign launched

Recently, Zhejiang provincial party committee and provincial government have launched the “100,000 Zhejiang businessmen entering 100 zones” campaign, and in the meanwhile, the practice activities for ideal and belief education of non-public economy staff have been carried out in the country. In order to better promote these two activities, from August 20 on, the “100,000 Zhejiang businessmen entering 100 zones” column will be started to publicize the provincial and municipal strategic decisions and supporting policies on key investment projects and industries, to introduce the experiences of all the cities and sectors in providing services for business and innovations by businessmen of Zhejiang origin, and to set excellent models of Zhejiang businessmen in starting business in their hometown and pursue their dreams. 
Yesterday, on the top of the 228-meter International Trade Center of Ningbo Chamber of Commerce, over 80 entrepreneurs from chambers of commerce in Ningbo pulled out their cell phones or tablet PCs to take pictures of the southern business district. “We are optimistic about the future of the headquarters economy here, and our chamber decides to invest 170 million yuan in the construction of the Jinyun Chamber of Commerce Building in the southern business district. Now the project has entered the stage of land approval.” said Jiang Songfa, Director of Jinyun Chamber of Commerce in Ningbo.

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