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Cilin Hospital, the 1st foreign-funded hospital, opened

On June 26, Cilin Hospital, the first foreign-funded hospital in Ningbo, was opened. The municipal party secretary and municipal standing committee member Liu Qi met the delegation led by Thomas Frost, thefounder of HCA and Cilin Hospital

Liu made a brief introduction of the economic and social development of Ningbo. He said that Ningbo needed to attract foreign capital for its economic development. At the same time, foreign capital is also welcome to join in the development of medical and healthcare industry in Ningbo so as to provide modern medical equipment and better healthcare service for the local people. HCA enjoys good reputation in the world. We hope that the group can have further cooperation with related department and companies in Ningbo in medical treatment and healthcare for the old.

HCA is the largest chain medical institution in the world, with 165 hospitals and independent operation centers in the USA and UK. Its annual income reaches about $37bn. Cilin Hospital is located in Guanhaiwei of Cixi, which is co-funded by Cixi Healthcare Development Co.Ltd and China Healthcare Co.Ltd founded by Thomas Frost. The hospital was built with the standard of third level comprehensive hospital, integrating medical treatment, R&D, prevention, healthcare, recovery, emergency. It is the first Sino-US joint venture hospital in Zhejiang.

Thomas Frost said HCA was very willing to introduce its mature experience, technology and advanced medical equipments to Ningbo. They would try to build Cilin Hospital into a model of joint venture hospital in China and provide good medical service for the people of Ningbo.

Communication and transportation service complaints hotline opened

A nationwide communication and transportation service complaints hotline "12328" will be opened on June 30th. Since then, the highway service hotline "96266" and complaints hotline "96520" will be upgraded to the same "12328" .

As the unified public service hotline for the national communication and transportation, its business scope covers highway transportation and administration, and its functions consist of supervision of communication and transportation, complaints and consultancy. Since June 30th, complaints and consultancies concerning road administration and highway transportation can dial the hotline immediately. "96266" and "96520" will still be used together with "12328" in the near future and then be upgraded into "12328" gradually.

Railway, civil aviation and postal service also belong to communication and transportation in its broad sense. Can complaints from these businesses also call this line? If you need help on the water, you can dial "12328" who will connect you to "12359". However, "12328" will not include service from railway, civil aviation and postal service. But the relevant telephone number will be given to the caller.

Ningbo host the 1st Annual Conference of China Cultural Center

On June 20th, the press conference of Annual Meeting of China Library 2014 and Annual Conference of China Cultural Center was held in Bejing. The 1st Annual Conference of China Cultural Center & Culture and Art Exposition will be held in Ningbo from December 19th to 21st.

The conference is hosted by the Ministry of Culture, and sponsored by China Cultural Center Association, National Public Cultural Development Center of Cultural Ministry and Ningbo Municipal Government. The theme of the conference is "Lead the fashion, Better life", including cultural center work session, forum and exposition.

Now the preparation for the meeting is underway. 80% of the business invitation for the exposition has been completed. Around 1200 standard booths will be provided for over 200 enterprises.

Ningbo, a city with World Cultural Heritage now

On June 22nd, China's Grand Canal was recognized as World Cultural Heritageby UNESCO World Heritage Committee which convened its 38th session in the Qatari capital. Now, Grand Canal became the 32nd World Cultural Heritage in China. As one of the 27 application cities of Grand Canal, Ningbo now has the 1st World Cultural Heritage.

As the southern end of Grand Canal, the part in Ningbo is the bond between the river transportation of the Grand Canal and sea transportation. It is also an important starting point of ancient sea silk road. The Grand Canal includes Suitang Grand Canal, Jinghang Grand Canal and East Zhejiang Canal. The East Zhejiang Canal was completed during Song Dynasty, which starts from Xixing town of Hangzhou in the west and ends in Ningbo in the east connecting the sea. China’s Grand Canal connects Beijing and Ningbo. Ningbo is a significant stop, which has been an important water and land transportation junction in the southeast coastal area since ancient time, as well as an important international port for economic and cultural exchange. It is thanks to Ningbo's double characters as both canal city and port city that the Grand Canal has the feature of opening to the outside, connecting the sea silk road.

In the application document, Ningbo part of Grand Canal includes three sections: East Zhejiang Shangyu to Yuyao, East Zhejiang Ningbo Section and Ningbo Sanjiangkou. Qing'an Hall, lying in the Sanjiangkou, is listed as affiliated heritage.

During the application for the World Cultural Heritage, the protection and administration of the Grand Canal (Ningbo) has been strengthened and improved, which will promote the protection of cultural heritage in the whole city. Thanks to the influence of world heritage and powerful brand effects, the new World Cultural Heritage will greatly upgrade Ningbo’s popularity and reputation in the world, so as to attract investment and other resources and boost related industries. It has provided a great opportunity for Ningbo to build into an international sea port and cultural city.

Road clearing action makes progress

As an important aspect of a city's image, road environment has a lot to do with citizen's lives. To keep the urban road environment tidy, on May 10, 2013, Ningbo launched the road clearing action. After two year’s implementation of the action, Ningbo's road environment has made great progress.

In the past two years, based on the core concept of being "long-term, refined, professional and human-oriented", the urban management and environmental protection departments have been innovating the working models, improving management mechanism, and making efforts to cultivate professional teams to realize the leaping upgrading of the road environment. In the first quarter of this year, the average mark of central urban roads stood at 93.949, almost an increase of 10 over the early period of the action. The occurrence rate of the road garbage problem has decreased by 60.6%, while the satisfaction rate of citizens has been on the increase. The sweeping rate by means of machines has increased rapidly from 43% to over 75%, and the cleaning quality maintained a high standard all the year round.

With the efforts of about 7000 sanitation workers in over 700 days in the central urban area, the urban road environment has improved on a large scale. The road around the vegetable markets and small restaurants, which used to be messy, are now taking on a new look. Sanitation workers are now seen on the roads from dawn to dusk.


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