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Juicy peaches sent to nursing home

On the afternoon of July 19, some taxi drivers representing Ningbo civilized taxi group sent 50 kilograms newly-picked Fenghua peaches to Guang’an Nursing Home in Haishu District for those elderly who are inconvenient to go out.

Ningbo Intelligent City Science Museum will be put into use in August

Check in by scanning two dimensional codes and attend the simultaneous conference with mobile phones. On the afternoon of July 10th, 2014 Ningbo Telecom Intelligent Enterprise and Mobile Internet Conference, with the theme “intelligent enterprise, intelligent transformation” was held. From the conference, it is learned that the Ningbo Intelligent City Science Museum, which is named after the city and displays the construction of intelligent city, will be put into use in August.

The museum, located in Ningbo Culture Plaza, attempts to build an intelligent card of the city, which integrates science popularization, internship base for students and the achievements of the intelligent city construction.

Around 100 participants from 28 enterprises which have integrated IT application with industrialization and 13 Zhejiang intelligent enterprises were present in the conference to discuss the transformation and development of intelligent enterprises. During the conference, they had discussions on topics like “Internet and intelligent enterprises”. and “4G-LTE terminal testing”. The participants also demonstrated programs and products related to intelligent industry.

Two foreign-funded partnership enterprises introduced to Ningbo Development Zone

Recently, Shanghai Jiusheng Private Equity Center of Shanghai CCB International and the CCB International (Shanghai) Equity Investment Management Co. Ltd. have jointly set up in Ningbo Economic & Technological Development Zone Tengda-Hicheng Industrial Co. Ltd. and Zhongxiang Engineering Consulting Co. Ltd., achieving a total contractual foreign investment of US$126.67 million. The two companies are the first foreign-invested projects introduced to the Ningbo Development Zone in the form of foreign-invested partnership enterprises, which will lend new impetus to the investment attraction and project introduction.

Both invested by Shanghai Jiusheng Private Equity Center of Shanghai CCB International (a partnership enterprise usually cooperating with enterprises from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan) and the CCB International (Shanghai) Equity Investment Management Co. Ltd., Tengda-Haicheng Industrial Co. Ltd. mainly covers business in investment administration and investment consultancy (excluding consultancy on securities and futures), while Zhongxiang Engineering Consulting Co. Ltd. mainly deals with such business as construction cost consulting. It is worth mentioning that the CCB International (Shanghai) Equity Investment Management Co. Ltd. is one of the pilot projects for financial reform and innovation at the Shanghai Free Trade Zone.

Ningbo Accelerates Urban-Rural Integration

On July 9, Ningbo held a conference on accelerating urban-rural integration. Information comes that by the end of November, 2014, village distribution adjustment program and pioneer towns’ mergence arrangement should be settled; by the end of the year 2014, 60% of reserved villages’ construction plan and adjustment should be finished; by the end of 2016, all villages should be covered in construction program.

  Currently, there are problems in the villages’ construction program calling for great attention. For instance, villages are dispersedly distributed, population concentration is low in rate, industrial areas scatter all around and utility and infrastructure are not equally accessible. In the next step, the government will take an all-round consideration and accelerate the planning of village redistribution. Details include to make the “1+3+X” layout system clear, which contains one line of quality villages, three types villages, peasant clustered area, central village and characteristic village, and several reserved villages; to merge a series of villages in cities, in parks and in suburbs; to gather some decentralized unincorporated and deserted villages; to protect the ancient villages with distinctive rural cultures and good eco-environment; to rectify and improve some central villages and reserved villages; to relocate and demolish some inhospitable villages of remoteness, poverty and geologic hazard; to coordinate traffic and sanitary utilities as well as educational and medical infrastructures so as to improve rural living condition.    

  Wang Renzhou, vice mayor of Ningbo, attended the conference and made a speech.

Eating right is key to health in Ningbo plum rain

What is mentioned here for Shanghai does naturally also apply for Ningbo residence

By Zhang Qian | July 3, 2014

THE plum rain (mei yu) season arrives in Shanghai when plums get mature in the region south of the Yangtze River — hence the name.

Appreciating mature plums in rain may sound romantic, but the monsoon weather is hot, wet and muggy.

Characterized by high temperature, frequent rain and high humidity, plum rain is annoying to most residents here as it not only encourages bacteria growth, but also triggers various ailments  including poor digestion, aggravated eczema and risk of cardiovascular disease relapse.

Pathogenic dampness is a big enemy to the spleen (digestive system), which operates best in a “dry” environment, says Dr Liu Wen, chief physician of Longhua Hospital attached to Shanghai University of TCM.

The spleen, according to TCM, is responsible for digesting and transporting nutrition to all organs and supporting water metabolism within the body.

With pathogenic dampness invading, the normal transportation and nutrition and water is damaged, which may lead to indigestion problems like abdominal distension, poor appetite and diarrhea that causes fluid loss and exhaustion. People may also suffer fatigue that’s hard to relieve.

“Though most people will feel discomfort in the season, they do not necessarily all suffer that much,” says Dr Liu. “Some people may naturally get over it within days when they get adapted, but it may stay as a problem for the weak.”

Read more: Eating right is key to health in...


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