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12 enterprise technological center awarded provincial excellence

On January 9, notice from 5 departments such as Zhejiang Province Economic and Information Commission and Zhejiang Finance Department shows that in the evaluation on provincial enterprise technological centers, which is held every two years, 12 enterprise technological center in Ningbo scored above 85 and were awarded excellent provincial enterprise technological center; 85 technological centers scored above 60 and were classified as qualified. 
By the end of 2014, there are 106 provincial enterprise technological centers in Ningbo, including 9 of state level and 97 of provincial level. 

Drum-tower promoted to five-star tourism shopping site

Recently, Gulou(Drum-tower) historic street in Haishu was appraised as five-star tourist shopping site,the first of the same kind in the province which was built on a whole historic street. 
There are five classes for the tourist shopping sites in Zhejiang province. The judge panel decided after the field visit that Gulou Street has met the criteria for five-star class for its scale, economic profit, social profit, souvenir kinds, equipments in the stores, service management and safety. 
In recent years, Haishu district has attached great importance to both protection and development, inheritance and innovation to develop the integrated development of commerce, culture and tourism of Gulou Street. It has attracted famous traditional brands like "Lao San Jin", "Caohu Food" and "Zhao Dayou". It aims to build a food square, Gulou lane, Gulou Tea City, Gulou Jewelry Square. Thus, the whole street will become a leisure and tourism place which has services of food, hotels, sight-seeing, shopping and entertainment. 

Haishu will build an online volunteer service transfer platform

Recently, Zhang Haisheng, living in Xiushui Community in Haishu District, found the sewer in his kitchen blocked and he was unable to fix it by himself. So he tried to visit the online volunteer service transfer platform "Ciai Terminal" to ask for help. On the afternoon of that day, the volunteer came to his house and fixed it for him.
As of the start of 2014, the party work committee of Gulou Street started exploring the online volunteer service by building "Micro-resource" warehouse, launching "Ciai Terminal", an O2O communist member volunteer service transfer station. Besides, it also carries out convenient service, voluntary labor, consultancy, charity donation, couple assistance, environment-protection and medical care by online registration and offline completion.

Read more: Haishu will build an online volunteer...

New Bus Station to Be Put to Use at the end of January

The new Nanzhan (South Bus Station) is having its finishing touches and is to be put into use by the end of this month. The building is a five-storey one, with a construction area of 17200 square meters. It is close to the railway station.


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