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Theme of Ningbo’s significant historical artistic creation program chosen

It is learned on March 1 from the Office of Organizing Committee for Ningbo’s Significant Historical Artistic Creation Program, the theme of this program was finally chosen through seeking opinions from citizens, three discussions by experts and the ratification by Ningbo Municipal Government, which covers 48 themes including Yuyao Hemudu Cultural site, Maritime Silk Road - transporting tea leaves from south to west, Anti-Japanese Base of Siming Mountain, Wu Jintang and Jintang School, Hangzhou Bay Sea-crossing Bridge, Ningbo Bang and Pan Tianshou. (a modern artist and educator)

Han Licheng, director of the office of organizing committee and curator of Ningbo Museum of Art, said that the next step is to select artists across the city or even the country to paint by choosing materials for creation. “ We are going to recruit 35 artists to work on theme creation. And all the important historical events, figures and stories representing Ningbo will be displayed in 2017 as scheduled to the public through artistic expressions such as Chinese painting, oil painting, engraving and watercolor painting. This program will create a visual text and archive for Ningbo’s historical culture of 7,000 years, writing a local history of culture.

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Ningbo Electric Power Company issued proposal for power use

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One million pieces of Recommendation Papers for Households issued by State Grids Ningbo Electric Power Company have been delivered to the hands of every citizen since February 28. The company has been issuing this kind of guidelines for using electricity solely to citizens for five consecutive years.
The paper not only tells the electricity quantity and charge of 2014 but also contains information including the total electricity consumption, charge, average monthly consumption and the average charge of the whole year. Besides, it also gives a clear picture of the information such as the monthly electricity consumption, consumption between on-peak and off-peak times, proportion of off-peak consumption, ladder-type consumption and average electricity price.
Meanwhile, the paper also gives correspondent advice to every citizen of how to use on-peak and off-peak electricity as well as the proportion of using electricity during off-peak times. Good suggestions were also sent to the households which have a bigger demand for electricity consumption and used the electricity of ladder 2 and 3. Apart from these, it also introduces some of the practical information about the policy of ladder-type electricity prices, ways of preventing an electric shock and investigating the power-off on one’s own.

A noticeable drop of fireworks in Ningbo

In the first four days of the Spring Festival Holiday, the fireworks playing dropped sharply compared to last year. According to the Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau, the whole city is encouraged to stop playing fireworks so as to protect the environment. As a result, few people choose to play fireworks on Lunar New Year Eve and the total garbage was only 2000 tons, dropping about 1/3, which helps reducing the working time of the cleaners.

According to Mr. Hu, who is living in Huaqiaocheng, he was almost sleepless the whole night on the Lunar New Year Eve because of the thundering noise of fireworks. However, this year, when the new year bell sounds, the noise of fireworks only lasted for about 10 minutes. He was able to fall asleep this year now.

There is another evidence for the decline of fireworks in 2015. Mr. Shi has been selling fireworks in Yinzhou District for about 10 years. He said that the sales of fireworks is on the decline these years. In 2015, he only prepared half of the fireworks of last year. However, until the evening of Lunar New Year Eve, there were still many left. He had no choice but sell them at a low price. But there were still some unsold. For the next Spring Festival, he will prepare less or even stop the business.

The head of purchase and wholesale of a fireworks company said, there were 50 stores in 2014 in Haishu District. The number declined to no more than 20 in 2015.

Ningbo has won the title of National Civilized City for the fourth time

On the afternoon of February 28, the Great Hall of the People was home to the conference of National Spiritual Civilization Construction and Learning-from-Lei Feng Volunteer Service. President Xi Jinping, who is also general secretary of the Central Committee of CPC and chairman of the Central Military Commission, met the participants and delivered the speech. Ningbo has again won the title of National Civilized City, becoming one of six cities which has got this tile for the fourth time. Lu Ziyue, deputy secretary of CPC Ningbo Committee, mayor of Ningbo and director of Civilization Commission of Ningbo, has come to Beijing to accept this award on behalf of all Ningbo people.
“ It really gives me great pleasure to attend this ceremony. It is a hard-won award for Ningbo to get the title of National Civilized City for the fourth time and it is undoubtedly the product of all Ningbo people including both officials and the public and a true honor for us.” said Lu Ziyue with excitement after the conference on the afternoon of February 28. “ If there is no civilized citizen, there will not be a civilized city. Without the participation and efforts of the public, we can not simply win this title for the fourth time. Therefore, I would like to extend my sincere thanks to them for showing great passion, heartfelt support and active participation towards the work of building National Civilized City. The title has now become a calling card of Ningbo, by which the image of it is displayed in an all-round way. Winning this title for the fourth time is not only a kind of approval and praise the CPC Central Committee and the State Council have given to us but also an encouragement. Thus, we must cherish it and take on responsibility well enough to do all works related to the construction of National Civilized City in a coordinated, active and consistent way.” he said again.

Vehicle flow to exceed 260,000

With the drop of the passenger overflow of the railway, highway and air, the freeway ushered in the peak of self-driving passenger flow. As the first day of the free traffic during the Spring Festival holiday, February 18 is expected to see a flow of 260,000 vehicles.

At 6pm of February 17, the toll gates of all the free ways of Ningbo will issue paper tickets to the cars for free passage. It is reported that during the holiday, from February 18 to 24, for seven whole days, all the vehicles can have free access to the freeways.


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