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Efforts Made to Eliminate Damage on Trees by Brackets

As news abounds about how brackets supporting trees end up harming them, the Municipal Botanical Garden Department has recently started its endeavor to eliminate damage caused by brackets. Alongside that, it has introduced new tree brackets in Rihu Park since May 4th.

With the adoption of high molecular materials and rubber gaskets, we are able to adjust rackets according to the circumference of a tree. In doing so, we hope to render trees harmless. What’s more, we use LED technologies to illuminate surrounding environment at night. As of now, we have installed 21 brand new brackets in the park, and more places will enjoy the new technology soon.

The department has recently launched a campaign to eliminate such hazards city wide. It will have finished examining problems by the end of June as part of its efforts to make trees pleasant and beautiful.

Park Hyatt Ningbo Resort and Spa BALMY SPRING PACKAGE















Offering guests an impeccable Spa and dining experience, to relish in happiness and fulfillment


CNY688 per person

Including Yue Hu Welcome Foot Ritual, 60mins Body Massage,

Use of Private Sauna and Steam, Weekend Lake View Brunch


Promotion treatment time: Daily, 10:00hrs to 18:00hrs

Promotion brunch time: Every weekend, 11:30hrs to 14:30hrs


Promotion period: 4 to 31 May 2015

Subject to 15% service charge

Ningbo to launch family doctor system

It is learned from the press conference on family doctor services held on April 28 that Ningbo will start the contractual family doctor system services from May 1.
Ningbo has reportedly carried out the pilot of contractual family doctor system since 2011. After three years' trial, Ningbo has now 151 community health service centers or village hospitals that provide contractual services, involving 1.569 million citizens. Besides the free basic health service programs (50 items in 15 categories), the new contractual family doctor system services to be launched will benefit the citizens in terms of medical services, medicine service and medi-care policies. 
The residents will be exempted from the general treatment fee when going to the contracted family doctor during the contracted year. 
The all-process health management is another highlight of the contractual family doctor system. During the contracted year, the family doctors will provide free health management services for the patients with such chronic diseases as hypertension and diabetes, a free physical examination report for the contractual citizens and free personalized health management tips. 
To alleviate the medicine dispensing problems, the contractual patients with chronic diseases can enjoy the preferential policies of getting the medicine for a month period. And for the patients with such diseases as hypertension, coronary heart diseases and diabetes that have been included in the contractual family doctor system, if they are in stable conditions, the medical institutions can extend the medication period of 68 types of related medicine to two months for one prescription.  
For the examinations, treatments or diagnoses that are beyond the community health service centers or village hospitals, the family doctors will offer free reservation services with the experts of superior hospitals or large equipment for examination, and the treatment transfer services if necessary.

Rouen Contemporary Art Exhibition held in Ningbo

The "Contemporary Art Work Exhibition from Rouen, France" was held in Ningbo Art Gallery yesterday, displaying over 80 works from 20 most active contemporary artists from Rouen. The exhibition has also reportedly been included as one of the visual art programs for the ongoing "China-France Cultural Exchange Spring" campaign. 
The exhibits are in various forms and styles, including photography, painting, synthesis materials and Chinese ink drawing, combining dream-like and subconscious content, abstract lines, and natural and harmonious Chinese painting features. The works cover almost all styles of the most influential art schools in the current world. "It's 10th anniversary of the ‘China-France Cultural Exchange Spring' activity, as well as the 25th anniversary for the friend-city relationship of Ningbo and Rouen. This exhibition provides the two cities with an opportunity for communications and Ningbo citizens can take the chance to appreciate the art of France or even the European continent." said Han Licheng, Curator of Ningbo Art Gallery. 
The exhibition, sponsored by Ningbo Municipal Government, hosted by Ningbo Art Gallery an assisted by the Jinlise Cultural Media from France, will be open to public until May 8.

Native Red Indian Performer coming to Ningbo

Hope you are doing well and enjoying this Spring season. I wanted to let you know that we have a special visitor coming from the US named Kevin Locke. He is a considered a national treasure and cultural ambassador for the US government. He has brought the Native American Indian culture alive and travels to do performances of the native flute, hoop dances and story telling. He will likely be in Ningbo on May 2 and 3 during the May holiday.

 Kevin will also be hosted by Beijing City and Shanghai City before traveling onward to Indonesia. 

Welcome to pass the information on to anyone you feel may be interested.

Kevin Locke will be performing at Gulou on May 2 @ 1:30pm.

He is available to perform at other times from May 1 afternoon to May 3 afternoon

Please contact the Editor at     This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.     if you want to host a performance of Kevin Locke at your venue, company etc.


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