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Ningbo bans taxi-hailing apps starting June 26

Ningbo has fully banned taxi-hailing apps starting June 26, according to a press release. 

The main purpose of the ban is to expand usage of the taxi-hailing app of the Ningbo Taxi Association. However, most residents said they would rather use taxi-hailing apps than the official one.

But the above reason wasn't confirmed by the Ningbo Taxi Association or Ningbo's taxi companies. There are now many cities resisting taxi-hailing apps, but none of them enforce the rules thoroughly. 


2015 China(Ningbo) Maritime Culture Week Opens

On the afternoon of June 24th, 2015 China(Ningbo) Maritime Culture Week opened at Hefeng Creative Plaza following the establishment of Maritime Silk Road Creative Design Association and the Research Center of Maritime Index.

Pan Yunhe, member of CPPCC and academician of CAE, delivered a key-note speech on an innovative path to industry design.

Maritime Silk Road Creative Design Association is the subsidiary of China Innovative Design Association proposed by many academicians including Pan Yunhe and Xue Qunji, etc. and owned by Jiangdong District Ningbo Material Institute and Hefeng Creative Plaza and established by Ningbo Institute of Technology Zhejiang University and so on. At this point, the association has over 50 institutional members from China, UK, Holland, Italy, South Korea and Hong Kong. After its inception, we came to be committed to One Belt One Road for new opportunities, and came to pool strengths from universities, research institutes and companies for diversified platforms. We will be dedicated to extending basic research of Maritime Silk Road and Big Data Design as a way of increasing the ability to innovate in the association. This will make a difference to better creative design in Ningbo.

Maritime Silk Road Index is the name card of Ningbo Maritime Transport Institute, reflecting how cargo container market goes about from Ningbo’s Port and price fluctuations. The research Center for Maritime Silk Road Index was established by Ningbo University, Ningbo University of Technology, Zhejiang Wanli University, Ningbo Institute of Technology Zhejiang University, School of Software Technology, Zhejiang University and Ningbo Institute of Modern Logistics Plan. After its establishment, studies will be conducted in the building of a strong port, Maritime Silk Road Index, Development Plan of Shipping, coordinated development of shipping economy and regional economy. This endeavor aims to provide guidance to decision-making of businesses and become part of the Government’s decision-making consultations.

The Cultural Week is composed of international forum, trade exchanges and cultural activities. During the period, Award for Top Ten Innovative Space of Culture will be presented. Meanwhile, citizens can share the results of maritime culture by taking part in numerous cultural activities.

2015 Summer Job Fair held

The 2015 Online Recruiting Session for Ningbo Talent Net as well as the Summer Job Fair was held on June 13, attracting over 340 renowned enterprises from Ningbo and other cities, including the GQY Video Corporation, Joyson Electronics Co. Ltd. And Zhejiang CSR Electric Vehicles Co. Ltd., and over 4,500 applicants for on-the-scene negotiation, and over 1500 of them reached initial intention for jobs. To address the shortage of skilled personnel, this job fair also launched a "face-to-face" negotiation activity for enterprises in immediate needs.

The second session of the job fair will be held on June 14, when over 200 enterprises will promote over 1000 jobs for nearly 4,300 talents

Integrated Reform of Public Hospitals with New Payment Mechanism for Doctors

According to the conference of medical and healthcare reform in June23rd, Ningbo, the second batch of piloting cities for public hospital reform has launched integrated reform of public hospitals. It seeks to end kickbacks among doctors by reducing medicinal costs and improving ways of medical payments and regulating medicines and medical practices.

What becomes the spotlight is nurturing skilled doctors instead of doctors relying on kickbacks by reforming Li Huili Hospital first in terms of remuneration systems among other piloting reforms including pricing and purchasing of medicines.

Purchasing concentrations of medicines previously have cut prices and consumption dramatically, reducing medical expenses of at least 270 million yuan for patients in a year.

Read more: Integrated Reform of Public Hospitals...

International Cultural Exchange Center to be established

As a major administration for the cultural-exchange work, Ningbo Bureau of Culture, Broadcasting, TV, Film, Press and Publication has approved the municipal Cultural Center's proposal to establish the International Cultural Exchange Center.

In recent years, Ningbo has made great efforts in the publicizing the local culture to the outside world by implementing the "going-out" strategy and exploring new fields, channels and forms of foreign cultural exchange. It has implemented various cultural-exchange programs in cooperation with over 20 foreign countries including France, the US, the UK, Turkey, Poland and Australia. In 2014, about 60 cultural-exchange programs were carried out in 19 countries and regions, involving over 200 cultural "ambassadors". As one of the highlights of the series programs of the Chinese Ministry of Culture, the "Ninghai Dowry Custom Show", an original show demonstrating the traditional wedding customs in Ninghai County, was on stage for four times at the Lincoln Art Center of New York, boasting a total ticket office of over three million yuan. It was reported by such major domestic and foreign media as the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, and the CCTV, which contributes to the publicity of the city image of Ningbo. Meanwhile, the city has endeavored to introduce overseas cultural and art projects and cultivate the operators specializing in foreign shows and performance. It is reported that each year over 50 high-end cultural shows have been introduced to Ningbo to enrich the cultural lives of the local citizens.


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