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APEC Urbanization Forum to be Held in Ningbo

In the News briefing held by National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) on the afternoon of May 25th, it’s announced that the APEC Urbanization Forum would be hosted by Ningbo from June 2nd to 3rd. Over 200 guests from APEC member countries will participate in the Forum, discussing the topic of “Urbanization and Inclusive Growth”. Besides, the Forum will also release the “Ningbo Initiative”. Xu Lin, head of Planning Department of NDRC, and Chen Yijun, member of Standing Committee of the CPC Ningbo Municipal Committee and vice mayor, were present in the news briefing.

The upcoming Forum is an attempt to implement the results of APEC 2015 as well as the first large and high-level forum on the theme of urbanization. Specifically, it includes an opening ceremony, a ministerial roundtable, a press conference of Ningbo Initiative, six theme forums, field trips for delegates and other activities. During the Forum, the participants will revolve around topics like interaction among Asia-Pacific cities, urban sustainable development and innovation in urbanization, focusing on specific issues of all sorts like enhancing urban infrastructure and amenities, constructing smart and green cities, effecting urban reconstruction, innovating in financing practice during urbanization, boosting small and medium-sized cities, etc. Besides, the aforementioned press conference will enable participants to exchange opinions on topics including the inclusive urban development, innovative development, urban governance and sustainable development.

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Industrial Investment of Yinzhou Reached 3.7bn Yuan In First Four Month

According to news from Yinzhou Economic and Information Bureau on May 23rd, in the first four months of 2016, Yizhou District has invested 3.7bn yuan in industry, up 13.8% over last year, marking the first positive growth of the year.

Among that of the areas under municipal level, investment in Yinzhou Economic and Development Zone achieved the fastest growth, increasing 520 million yuan compared with the first three months. Besides, the three industrial parks including Yunlong, Dongqiao and Wangchun also invested 100 million yuan more in industry in April. And in towns like Panhuo, Wuxiang, Jiangshan etc., industrial investment kept steady growth.

As to the enterprises, Yinzhou planned to invest over 50 million yuan to a total of 62 projects of them

2016 CEEC Expo to be held

The annual China-CEEC Investment and Trade Expo will be held in June. In addition to the colorful economic and trade activities, tourism will continue to an important part of the expo.

Reportedly, the tourism cooperation and exchange with the CEEC countries will be held in early June, consisting of such major activities as a tourism promotion meeting in CEEC countries with the theme of "Beautiful Ningbo", the 2016 China-CEEC tourism cooperation exchange meeting, China-CEEC tourist markets docking meeting, the CEEC tourist picture exhibition, and the "Beautiful China, Picturesque Zhejiang" tourist inspection. In addition, the well-received CEEC tours will continue to be carried out

Wednesday Mixer 1st June

Ningbo Mixer Each First Wednesday Of The Month

The“NINGBO MIXER”. -OPEN FOR ALL- will be held this Wednesday June 1st at the Ningbo Shangri La Hotel Lobster Bar and Grill between 18.45 till 21:30. Buy your Rmb 80 voucher at the entrance and get 2 Drinks - Draft Beer, Red and White Wine, Soft Drinks and Chilled Juices in combination with selected Complimentary food A great place for new comers to Ningbo and meeting old friends again. The theme "Mingle and Enjoy". Entrance is free and “no strings attached” - No RSVP Just walk in with friends too.

"Ningbo Music Port" to be built

Recently, the music-themed garden neighborhood center in Jiangbei District, with a total investment of 20 million yuan, have been well under way and got accelerated. As an important part of the "Ningbo Music Port" project, the center has been designed by a specialized operation team. With this project, Jiangbei District is building a music industrial chain and the "Ningbo Music Port" around Ningbo Grand Theatre, to accelerate the expansion and clustering of the cultural industries.  

Based on the existing cultural resources, the district is making efforts to build a music port themed on the "one-hour slow-pace life" around the grand theatre. According to some related leaders from the district government, the music cultural industry will become an important impetus to the economic transformation of Jiangbei District. It will develop the music cultural industry for the development of the marine silk road and accelerate its integration into the national development strategy. "Ningbo Music Port" will not only be a clustering platform for music cultural businesses and a community featuring fashion and culture, but a music port on the marine silk road for cultural transmission and exchange.

According to the planning, the music port will cover "one core, two belts, and multiple blocks". The "core" refers to the area covering the Dazha Road, Tongtu Road and Wantou Bridge music-themed landscape area, including the Grand Theatre, the Music Hall and the Music Celebrity Hall Park. The two belts refer to the cultural industry belt along the North Ring Road and the urban facilities-themed belt along the Dazha Road. The blocks include the outdoors theme music block of the new Sanjiangkou area, and the leisure music fashion block around the Old Bund area, etc.

Reportedly, besides the development of the music industry, Ningbo music Port will seek for the integrated development between music industry and technology, internet, and finance. In the meantime, Jiangbei District will increase its investment in infrastructure construction, such as the roads, public parking lots, overpasses and underpasses, to realize the one-hour coverage of the whole music port


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