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Ningbo Introduces Food Information Traceability System

On the morning of June 17th, Ningbo Municipal People’s Committee held a meeting for exchanges on food information traceability system covering farmland to circulation on the basis of a proposal on advancing food traceability system in Ningbo made by Tang Qianru, representative of Ningbo Municipal People’s Congress. Chen Yijun, member of the municipal standing committee, vice mayor of Ningbo and Wen Lumin, vice director of the municipal standing committee attended the meeting and delivered remarks.

The proposal is one of the priorities of the meeting organized by Ningbo Municipal Standing Committee in Ningbo, undertaken by Chen Yijun and supervised by Wen Lumin.

The food quality and safety traceability system aims to trace the source of food, where it goes and hold accountability when it comes to food production, distribution and consumption. The system introduces tougher measures on safety management and risk control in food circulation. Tang Qianru discovered that relevant departments lacks holistic planning despite the traceability system already in place in segmented management, industrial management and industrial development. On top of that, some work is repetitive and the sharing mechanism remains to be improved. It is suggested that relevant departments can harness synergy to build a unified food traceability sharing platform.

Organizers and sponsors in the field of market oversight, agriculture, forestry, fishery and business gave feedbacks from the society during the meeting. Ningbo assigns main responsibility for entities at the core of the system. As a result, major progress has been made in this regard. Going forward, relevant departments will heighten the awareness of delivering assigned responsibilities, improve quality and expand the scope, improve the traceability platform, raise the traceability rate. On such basis, Ningbo is set to explore an information island for integrating existing information and covering the system to all links of the food chain and put in place a unified traceability sharing platform. Ningbo is also on course to build the system of credibility that includes dishonesty so as to raise the cost of illegal enterprises and assign more importance of accountability.

Tang spoke highly of the result of the proposal.

Partnership on Building a Harmonious Port

 Ningbo Port & Shipping Bureau and Ningbo Maritime Bureau signed an MOU on a coordination mechanism for consultation and joint coordination in terms of maritime and port and shipping affairs.

According to the agreement, the two sides will intensify cooperation on 13 areas including licensing management of shipping and port service sector, the building of pollution prevention and shore power, addressing emergencies arising from work on dangerous cargo and accidents, oversight of ship transporters and shipping safety operations and joint crackdown on illegal water transport. Cooperation areas expand further so that the two parties and draw upon each other’s strengths and harness synergy.

As two major law enforcement departments in water transport, the two authorities are committed to cooperation in many fields including water treatment and crackdown on water transport of hazardous chemicals. Visible results have been made and a sound partnership has been established, thus contributing due shares to the healthy development of orderly shipping and port industries.

Settlements of shipping and port issues through consultations and the coordinated mechanism on joint law enforcement act in line with the new normal facing the management of the shipping and port sector and keep the maritime economy fast yet sustainable

Low-cost Airlines snatching market share in Ningbo

At the end of May , 2016,Chunqiu Airlines , the largest low-cost airlines announced that its fixed airline between Ningbo and Bangkok was about to be available.
Low-Cost Fight definitely does its trick with its cheap ticket price. Take Ningbo-Bangkok airline as an example. It is shown on  Ctrip that the ticket price listed by a traditional airline company is around 1500RMB (inclusive of tax ).However, according to Chunqiu ,the flight ticket(Ningbo-Bangkok) will be sold on  the official website at the lowest price of 199RMB(exclusive of tax),which means this  total price is less than half of the price of traditional flight tickets.
The price advantage of low-cost airlines is rather evident indeed. It is shown from a random search for the flight from Ningbo to Hong Kong on July 7th that the lowest price is from a low-cost airline company named as Hong Kong Express, which sets its price at 578RMB(inclusive of tax).However, the price for the economic class provided by traditional airline companies is about 1200RMB at least,6000RMB or more at most. According to the recent years’ surveillance by Bureau of Civil Aviation, the average price of low-cost airlines is 30 percent lower than that of traditional all-service –included airlines.
For low-cost airlines , the lower the price gets, the more competitive they get. Apart from the gap of 30 percent between the price of traditional airlines and theirs, the low price itself is well used by  the low-cost airlines for promotion

Oil painting exhibition held

On the afternoon of June 11, the first oil painting exhibition in Jiangbei District, hosted by Jiangbei Art Society, was held at the Cultural Center of Jiangbei District, displaying over 60 oil painting works.

Reportedly, the exhibition mainly displays the masterpieces of the old, middle-aged and young artists with great art influence in Jiangbei District. The paintings are in various article forms with different painting materials.

The exhibition will be on at the center for a mont

Eight CEEC pavilions to be open

As a major part of the 2nd session of China-CEEC Investment & Trade Expo, the eight CEEC pavilions, including the Romanian Pavilion, the Serbian Pavilion, and the Latvian Pavilion, will make their debut at the Ningbo Imported Commodity Exhibition & Trade Center on June 9. Then there will be 14 featured exhibition pavilions for the CEEC countries, with the total area of over 4,000 square meters, which will become an important platform for exhibiting featured commodities from the CEEC countries and strengthening the trade between China and the CEEC countries.

The CEEC pavilions, the featured exhibition pavilions for the 16 CEEC countries, built by enterprises authorized by the government departments or the embassies of the CEEC countries, are located mainly on the first floor of the Hall No.9 and the second floor of the Hall No.2 of Ningbo International Conference and Exhibition Center.

In addition to the featured pavilions for each CEEC country, Ningbo has built a comprehensive pavilion for the CEEC specialties, with an operation area of 1,000 square meters, involving over 4,000 featured commodities from the 16 CEEC countries with a "zero cost" entry pattern


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