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Municipal Flood-control Headquarters Demands Sound Prevention Of Typhoon

Typhoon Xianba have imposed a huge impact on Ningbo. On Oct.3rd, the Municipal Flood-control Headquarters (thereinafter referred to as the Headquarters) demanded sound prevention work of the typhoon.
According to the analysis, the effect is mainly confined to the sea. Therefore, the Headquarters orders that local departments as regards marine and fishery, maritime affairs, tourism and transportation warn varied workboats of dangers in time so that they are able to seek shelter in harbors or safe waters. Sea-related projects under construction needs to ensure every prevention work in place for safety in line with requirements of flood control schemes.
At the prime time of tourism because of the National Day Holiday, the Headquarters demands that all the departments strengthen safety management on tours to seas or islands. In accordance with the changes of Xianba, some tours should be canceled in time, vessels for transportation or tourism should be banned from running while recreational fishery and tourist activities on the sea should be prohibited. Special attention should be directed to venture activities made by scattered tourists. Departments of flood-control, weather and marine forecasting and hydrology on every level are required to carefully focus on the trends of the typhoon, solidifying inspection and forecasting and releasing early warnings

China-Japan-South Korea Cuisine Carnival Begins

On the afternoon of Oct.1st, China-Japan-South Korea Cuisine Carnival, one of the activities during China-Japan-South Korea Art Festival, kicked off in Ningbo Cultural Square.
Through three sessions—Exhibition, Presentation and Appraisal, the organizer provided 6 theme activities like China-Japan-South Korea Delicacy Exhibition and China-Japan-South Korea Traditional Cuisine Culture Exhibition. On the spot, there were over 40 popular Chinese snacks such as Goubuli stuffed bun from Tianjin, Crab-flavored soup dumplings from Shanghai and Xiachedan from Taiwan as well as over 30 delicacies from Japan and South Korea like beer and fried chicken. Four theme exhibition zones were established including Cuisine Exhibition, Delicacy Exhibition, Traditional Cuisine Culture Exhibition and Imported Food Exhibition with over 100 stands. Besides, the festival granted residents the opportunities to join in leisurely and interactive games, in which they could make Zongzi and Tangyuan while learn to perform traditional Chinese dramas. Recreational activities were also available such as Food Making and Culinary Skills Contest.

Tourism in Ningbo Brisks up

On Oct.3rd, the weather, as distinct from scorching hot days before, turned gloomy and rainy in Ningbo, which provided an optimum environment for tourism in the National Day Holiday. According to partial collection of statistics from Municipal Tourism Bureau, altogether 1.123 million people were served on the very day, a surge of 50% compared to the figure on Oct.1st. Among all the resorts, national 4A or 5A tourist attractions received 62,830 people, gaining revenue of about14.4 million yuan, among which places like Xikou, Songlan Mountain, Xiangshan World Studios, etc. witnessed the arrival of more than 30,000 travelers.
At the crossing of Yifu Road and Wanghai Road, an indicator was set up at around 2 p.m., which read that the parking space in Ningbo Botanic Garden was fully occupied by vehicles, thus tourists were required to deposit their cars in other parks so as to keep everything in order. It is known that the newly-established scenic spots are well sought after by local residents during the holiday, including Fanta Oriental Heritage and Ningbo Botanic Garden, which serve over 20,000 tourists per day.
Thanks to the advent of mass tourism era, people are more apt to go traveling at their will. From 1st to 3rd, many citizens take their family out for sightseeing, pitching tents and camping beside Dongqian Lake and enjoying the prime time of family reunion; during the Osmanthus Festival in Wulong Lake, travelers smell the agreeable scent, appreciate remarkable landscape while recollecting their bygone time

Ningbo Botanical Garden opens

The first phase of Ningbo Botanical Garden, with an area of 120 hectares, made its debut to the citizens on the morning of September 28.

Located at the Zhenhai New Town area, the garden is a comprehensive botanical garden featuring ecological landscapes and botanical culture, with a planned total area of 322 hectares, an equivalent to 450 football courts. With an investment of about 673 million yuan, the first phase of the garden integrates the different landscapes of the four seasons. Over 630 plant species have been introduced to the 17 specialized plant blocks, together with over 2000 garden varieties, and over 25000 trees are planted in the garden. It will be built as the "green urban living room" of Ningbo with its featured landscapes of "plant evolving road", "water forest" and "vine corridor". The botanical garden is a vivid application of the green development concept of Ningbo, and it will play a significant role in guaranteeing the urban security, maintaining the urban eco-diversity, improving the city image and enhancing the citizens' quality. It is sure to become an new symbol of this beautiful city


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