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Exhibition of contemporary artists held

On July 29, an exhibition of the works of contemporary Chinese artists, with the theme of cool and refreshing, was held at Ningbo Water and Ink Art Gallery, displaying nearly 100 pieces of works of some prominent contemporary artists.

As one of the series activities of the mass art popularization project of Ningbo, the exhibition is jointly sponsored by Ningbo Radio, Film & Televisiion Group, Ningbo Cultural Center and the Propaganda Department of Yinzhou District Party Committee. As for the theme of the exhibition, Cai Qiuhua, Head of Ningbo Water and Ink Art Gallery, said that it is hoped that the exhibition can bring some coolness to the visitors during this hot summer period. The carefully chosen art works are displayed to give the citizens some coolness and freshness.

Read more: Exhibition of contemporary artists held

Across-Yaojiang-River Swimming Race to be held

The 2017 Across-Yaojiang-River Swimming Race as well as the opening ceremony of the 5th Sports Meeting of Jiangbei District, jointly hosted by Ningbo Sports Bureau and Jiangbei District Government, will be held on the bank of the Yaojiang River at the Shuanggudu Park of Zhuangqiao Town of Jiangbei District on August 6.

Reportedly, over 500 people in 15 teams will take part in the swimming race in two groups, one for the amateurs and one for the professionals. The swimming associations and organizations can apply to take part in the race. And the “competition rules for the open water sports” newly issued by the International Swimming Federation will be adopted by the race

Landscape enhancement project of Sunlake Park completed

After over half a years construction, the landscape enhancement project of the Sunlake Park has been completed, according to Ningbo Urban Management Bureau.

The project focuses on three aspects. Firstly, to be integrated into the sponge city ecosphere, the raindrop ditches and settling tanks have been added to the main square, the ceramic permeable bricks have been used for the newly built park roads, and the grass ditches and the raindrop gardens have been added to purify the rainwater. Secondly, all the dead-end roads have been opened up to form a round-lake slow-pace system. Thirdly, a colorful waterfall system has been installed at the southeast corner of the park from the Qingfeng Bridge, which will become a scene in the evening with the colorful lighting.

Iaddition, at the main square, a symbolic structure with the Sunlake Park words is built, making it a special natural and cultural leisure area. The northern square has been rebuilt as a multi-functional sunshine grassland. The Garden of Eden has been built as a tranquil leisure area with the new wood boards and water plants. The glass leisure corridor and a canteen have been built new the golden beach area. A childrens playground has been built at the water recycling area. In terms of plants, new colorful and flower trees have been planted to enrich the eco-environment of the park

Ming-style furniture on display at Ningbo Museum

The “Charm of Ming Dynasty” Ming-style furniture exhibition, sponsored by Ningbo Yongming Rosewood Furniture Co. Ltd., was started on July 25 at Ningbo Museum, where over 100 pieces of exhibits demonstrate the living style of the ancient people.

The Ming-style furniture, which dated back to the mid-Ming Dynasty, usually has the rosewood as raw materials and is globally famous for its beautiful style, rare material and exquisite structure, entitled as the pearl on the crown of the ancient furniture of China. At the exhibition, the furniture pieces of the study, sitting room, tea room and bedroom show the visitors the great beauty of the furniture art with the elegant style, exquisite technique and jade-like appearance.

Noticeably, some special furniture pieces with mortise-tenon connections, bronze decorations, soft drawers and the polishing technique are also on display this time. An interactive room is established at the exhibition hall to give the visitors enough opportunities to touch the Ming-style furniture in person, to have some insight into the development and cultural content of the Ming-style furniture and to experience the charm of the traditional culture and craftsmanship. The exhibition will be held until August 13

Coming-of-age ceremony held for overseas Chinese youth

On the morning of July 21, over 80 overseas Chinese youth from the US, Canada, Italy and Japan, dressed in the traditional Han costumes, gathered at the Peiju Library of Zhenhai District to participate in the coming-of-age ceremony and experience in person the Confucius culture.

As an important part of the Ningbo calligraphy branch of the Trip in Search for Roots in China Summer Camp, the ceremony kept to the traditional procedures of bathing, perfuming and wine sparkling. With the directions of the ceremony officer and the melodious music of the bells ringing, the honored guests were invited to carry out the capping (for boys) and hair-pinning (for girls) ceremony for the participating overseas Chinese youth. After the ceremony, the youth recited the extracts from the Great Learning and prostrated themselves before the Confucius statue.

The Confucius culture is the root of the Chinese culture and it is the duty of every Chinese home and abroad to inherit and spread the Chinese culture, said Yang Haopeng, a teacher from Canada. This occasion of the ceremony can give the youth an opportunity to have an insight into the content and essence of the Confucius culture, experience the Chinese civilization and history and cultivate the awareness of responsibility among the students.

Read more: Coming-of-age ceremony held for...


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