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The works of Ningbo writers selected as "Chinese Fiction·Writers’ Series"

The first series of "Chinese Fiction·Writers Series" edited by the China Mini-Fiction Society was recently published by Shanghai Literature and Art Publishing House. Four mini-fiction personal anthologies were released. Xie Zhiqiang's Jiangnan Liaozhai and Zhao Shuping's Ten Miles Red Makeup were selected.  

Xie Zhiqiang's Jiangnan Liaozhai expresses myths and legends and folk tales in the Jiangnan region for thousands of years with a contemporary perspective and spirit, creating interesting, affectionate, and warm group portraits of people. The magical color technique and the texture of realism make the long-distance traditional culture seem to shine in the sun, with a unique mood atmosphere and a distinctive "myth system".

Zhao Shuping's Ten Miles Red Makeup consists of love, local memories and city stories, as well as classic legends and contemporary anecdotes. Based on reality, the author unfolds rich imaginations, and strives to make breakthroughs in traditional narratives. With rich details and condensed brushstrokes, he constructs a corridor of ordinary people, and shows the light of humanity in the vicissitudes of life

Ningbo Botanical Garden caters to tourism needs

Ningbo Botanical Garden, the first phase opening in 2016, centering around flower viewing and planting experience, worked to develop “flower and fruit tour”. The third “fruit tomatoes” festival held before the “May Day Festival” provided colorful and various tomatoes which attracted tourists’ interest. And some new varieties launched by vegetable cooperatives and tomato growers were sold across the country via livestreaming during the “May Day” holiday.

In 2020 “May Day Festival”, Ningbo Botanical Garden held many activities themed “intoxicating beauty in May Day”, such as appreciating delicious food, delicate things and picturesque sceneries, and guiding citizens and tourists to seek for and enjoy the spring. At Gate 3, the five-day fair was a meeting of a wide range of local snacks, famous specialties and handmade cultural products. In the water restaurant, “Land and Water” yoga performance allowed people to relax in the nature - running water, sunlight, flowers, plants, breeze, paddle boarding.

Read more: Ningbo Botanical Garden caters to...

A new bookstore opens in Eastern New Town

Ningbo Reading Center for Staff , the first reading space of this kind located in the Eastern New Town, was officially opened to the public on July 5, adding a ray of cultural ambience to the city.

Located on the first floor of the West Building of May 1 Square, the Yue-Read Museum is comprised of the Ningbo Workers’ Cultural Palace, Ningbo Xinhua Bookstore Group, Ningbo Library, the Cooperated and operated by Ningbo Publishing House, it covers an area of more than 1,800 square meters and is divided into two branches: Xinhua Bookstore and Ningbo Library’s May Day Branch. With a collection of nearly 50,000 books and volumes, it is the city’s largest collection of books,

Read more: A new bookstore opens in Eastern New...

Ningbo to be smarter in 2020

Ensure the cumulative completion of more than 6,000 5G base stations and strive to reach 10,000; explore to form a new model of urban smart governance and promote the modernization of the urban governance capabilities… Recently, Ningbo Municipal Economic and Information Technology Bureau has released the main points of the construction of the new smart city in 2020. According to the plan, Ningbo will work hard to build a smarter city by improving the intelligent interconnection of infrastructure, sharing and utilization of urban big data, the accuracy of social governance, the efficiency and convenience of services, and the innovation integration of the digital economy.

Compared with previous years, the building of the new smart city in 2020 will focus more on the new infrastructure construction and urban brain construction, both with 5G as their core.

For the new infrastructure construction, Ningbo will promote the establishment of boutique 5G network: promote the commercial scale of 5G network, speeding up the scenarized deployment of 5G network in the main urban areas, key industrial parks,

Read more: Ningbo to be smarter in 2020


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