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Saloon for returned overseas entrepreneurs opened

On September 7, Ningbo Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese organized a saloon for returned overseas entrepreneurs. The entrepreneurs present at the saloon had an insightful discussion with people from financial and legal professions on some major problems, such as how to deal with the present financial situation, how to carry out financial innovations and how to accelerate enterprise transformation and upgrading. Chang Minyi, vice chairman of Ningbo People's Political Consultative Conference, attended the saloon.

Mass fitness lectures coming soon

Ningbo Municipal Bureau of Sports will soon launch a series of mass fitness lectures for public welfare, aiming at improving the citizens' physical makeup and living quality by giving instructions on body-building skills and appropriate body-building methods. It is said that this model of promoting fitness is an initiate in China.

As from today, the Bureau will recruit lecturers for the mass fitness lectures, and those who do well in body-building are expected to share their secrets of success with the general public. The requirements for the lecturers are as follows. Firstly they should have special skills in body-building or have participated in certain exercises for quite a long time. Then, they should be good at communicating with others. What’s more, good personalities and social image can be quite helpful in leading others into the mass fitness program.

3rd China Meeting of Electronic Services opened

On the afternoon of September 3, the 3rd China Electronic Service Meeting & the Awarding Ceremony 2011 Ningbo Innovative Designing Competition opened in Ningbo International Conference and Exhibition Center. Xin Renzhou, vice director of the industrial policy department of Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Gao Xinmin, vice executive director of China Internet Federation, and Yu Hongyi, Member of Ningbo Municipal Party Committee and Vice Mayor of Ningbo, attended the meeting.

At the meeting, Academician He Jifeng, Dean of Software College of East China Normal University, Li Anmin, president of Shanghai Research Institute of China Telecom, Cui Feng, director of E-business R&D of IBM, Qin Zheng, director of Software Engineering and Management Institute of Qinghua University, and Tian Ning, Panshi Information Technology Company, made talks on various topics like smart city construction, brand strategy, application of core technologies of modern logistic industry and so on.

2011 Ningbo Innovative Designing Competition was jointly hosted by Ningbo National Hi-tech Zone, Ningbo Municipal Economic Commission, Ningbo Foreign Economic Cooperation Bureau and Ningbo Youth League Committee. The theme of the competition is "Innovative designing for better life in the future". It was initiated in April this year, and it received over 800 works for the competition. At the meeting, awards were made to the winners.

Ningbo elected as secondary financial centre for the 3rd time

The third China Financial Centre Index (CDI·CFCI3) was released in Shenzhen this week. Ningbo ranks 13th in terms of comprehensive competitiveness and this is the third consecutive year that Ningbo has been included in the list.

According to the list, the final ranking of the comprehensive competitiveness is as follows, Shanghai, Beijing and Shenzhen take up the first three places. Then come Guangzhou, Hangzhou, Nanjing, Tianjin, Dalian, Chengdu, Suzhou, Wuhan, Shenyang, Ningbo, Chongqing, Xi'an, Xiamen, Jinan, Qingdao, Changsha, Zhengzhou, Fuzhou, Kunming, Wuxi, Hefei, Nanchang, Changchun, Wenzhou, Harbin and Shijiazhuang.

It can be clearly seen from the three years' listing that the competitiveness of Chinese financial centres shows a disparity among cities. Generally speaking, Chinese financial centres fall into three categories. The first level can be referred as national financial centres, including Shanghai, Beijing and Shenzhen. They are all national financial centres with influence and radiating power. This year's list sees for the first time that these three cities won all the first three places in all indicators of the list. For example, Shanghai ranks number one from the perspective of financial performance and the scale of financial market, and Beijing ranks number one in strength of financial institutions and eco-environment of finance. With its excellent eco-environment of finance and financial performance, Ningbo falls into the second level, that is, major regional financial centres. According to the list, besides Ningbo, Guangzhou, Hangzhou, Dalian, Nanjing and Tianjin are all included in the second level, as they are regional financial centres with regional influence and radiating power. Some other cities in the list, including Shenyang, Zhengzhou, Wuhan, Chengdu, Fuzhou, Changsha, Xiamen, etc, are placed in the third level as minor regional financial certres

7th China International Logistic Festival to open in Ningbo

According to a recent news conference, the 7th China International Logistic Festival, jointly hosted by China Communications and Transportation Association and Ningbo Municipal Government, will open on November 3 in Ningbo. The theme of the festival is "smart logistics for now and future", and it will have a series of events like China exhibition of smart products for logistics and Meeting of China Smart Logistic Science and Technology.

So far China International Logistic Festival has run for 6 years in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Chengdu and Nanjing. The enterprises that participated in the festival involve over 10 establishments like shipping, shipping agency, fast delivery, logistics and banking. This festival is now the largest and most influential international exhibition of the logistic industry in Asia. The events at the festival will include the Global Logistics Forum 2011, the 10th China International Transport and Logistic Expo, and China Logistic Award for 2011 and activities the day of logistic technology, the day of logistic banking, and the day of logistic humane resources.

The highlight of the festival will be China Logistic Investment and Financing Meeting 2011 jointly hosted by the Organization Committee of the Festival and China Logistic Investment and Financing Federation. This meeting will comprise some activities like the financing forum, enterprises promotion and so on, offering opportunities of financing to the investors and enterprises that participate in the meeting. So far over 400 investment organizations and banks have entered their names for the meeting.


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