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Ningbo strides toward "deep blue era"

The first net brings the fresh seafood to the tables of Ningbo people and the economic statistics released by Ningbo Municipal Statistics Bureau depict the new picture for the port city of Ningbo. Since the beginning of 2011, Ningbo has made great efforts to push forward the development of marine economy and the effects are becoming evident. The total value of the marine economy arrives at ¥161.44 billion, with the added value of ¥43.18 billion, accounting for 15.9% of the gross regional product of Ningbo.
"Backed by the deep water port, Ningbo actively undertakes the international industrial transfer to construct the national bases for energy sources and raw materials. With the expansion of scales, some portside industries are rapidly growing." says an expert from Ningbo Municipal Statistics Bureau. At present, a portside industry belt has appeared on the horizon of Beilun Port, and some big pillar industries such as petrochemical industry, electric power industry and shipbuilding and repairing industry are taking shape with hundreds of major projects being carried out.
The adjacent waters of Ningbo are rich in fishing resources which are various in species and large in quantity, and the recovery ability of some species are superior. Xiangshan Port is an exceptional spot of inhabit, growth and reproduction for sea animals like fishes, shrimps and shellfishes and sea plants like algae. By protecting fishing resources and restoring the marine eco-environment in the past few years, Ningbo witnessed a stable growth of the "blue industry" which accomplished a value of ¥6.15 billion, with the added value of ¥2.70 billion.
"Blue service industry" is the most important component of Ningbo's marine economy and the new economic development pole with a competitive edge. In the first half of this year, the overall output value of the tertiary industry of the marine economy adds up to¥32.87 billion, with the added value of ¥11.72 billion. Experts argue that with marine transportation and port industry playing the leading role, the marine finance and insurance and marine tourism have a huge potential and a bright future.
Ningbo starts a new journey of developing marine economy when stepping into the second half of the 12th Five-year Plan period

Ningbo Pavilion put into operation in World Leisure Expo

On the night of September 17, the World Leisure Expo 2011 Hangzhou opened. The newly decorated Ningbo Pavilion was put into operation and added a sight to the Expo.

This year's World Leisure Expo is co-sponsored by the World Leisure Organization and Hangzhou Municipal Government, and it will last for two months. Through the demonstration of four sections including exhibition, forums, festivals and events, and leisure experience, the Expo is to popularize advanced leisure concepts, to exhibit various leisure cultures and to provide participants with colorful leisure experience. It aims to develop modern leisure industries in a positive way and to improve the people's living standard.

Ningbo Pavilion, themed as "A city of culture and a gateway to the world", is composed of four sections, namely, coastal leisure, mountain leisure, lake leisure and urban leisure. And there are four functional areas such as area of performance and exhibition, area of leisure information exchange, area of product exhibition and area of public interaction. The "Special day" activities for about 12 counties and districts of Ningbo, including Yuyao, Cixi, Xiangshan, Fenghua, Ninghai and Dongqian Lake, will focus on promoting the rich leisure resources and leisure products in Ningbo.

Free Trip To Wet Land Park

For celebrating the opening ceremony of Ningbo tourism festival 2011, Ningbo Tourism Bureau and Reindeer station will organize one day free trip to Wetland Park of Hangzhou Bay& Hai Tian Yi Zhou on Sep 27th. The details are below.

Could you help us to put a free trip on your newsletter to share with your friends. The attachment is the detail. Please kindly find it. Thanks very much!

Click here for the PDF download with all details

Happy Wednesday Time For ALL

It was a tradition for years and now it is back in town. Chinese friends and foreigners meet for an informal get together. The Singapore Kaki Club in cooperation with NingboLife/NingboExpat are inviting to the Happy Hour at the 3rd floor of the Zorbas Greek restaurant . (Old place of Lotus Club)\

Meet new and old friends, have a chat and a drink at highly discounted rates. And in the happy hour 18.30 - 20.30 you get 2 for one.

Meet you and have some fun


Art show put on

An art show of teachers and students was put on at the Museum of Art of Ningbo on September 13. Some 600 pieces of artworks created by teachers and students of Ningbo were on display. 


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