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First China Marine Economy and Investment Fair to open in Ningbo

According to a news conference of the first China Marine Economy and Investment Fair, the first China Marine Economy and Investment Fair is to open from November 10, 2011 to 12 in Ningbo.

Reportedly, the fair is the first of the same kind in China, and the only important event for investment and cooperation in the field of marine economy. At present, the preparations for the event are going on in an orderly way.

The first China Marine Economy and Investment Fair is jointly hosted by Zhejaing Provincial Government, and the State Oceanic Administration, and it is conducted by Ningbo Municipal Government, Zhejiang Provincial Commission of Development and Reform, Zhejiang Provincial Bureau of Marine Fishing, Zhejiang Provincial Department of Commerce and Zhejiang Provincial Office of Marine Economy. As a national-level fair for marine economic cooperation, it will be a large scale event for capital investment and intelligence introduction.

Tourist Service Association of the Changjiang River Delta founded

On the morning of September 28, the meeting on the founding of the Tourist Service Association of the Changjiang River Delta was held in Donggang Sheraten Hotel. The announced Constitution of the Tourist Service Association of the Changjiang River Delta indicates the founding of the Tourist Service Association of the Changjiang River Delta.

In recent years, Ningbo has had more and more tourist services, and the number has risen from 13 in 2009 to 33 today, and a network of tourist services has basically formed. So far, the Tourist Service Association of the Changjiang River Delta has held 4 joint conferences, and has 13 members. The co-sharing of tourist information has basically been realized in the member cities.

Representatives from Wuxi, Huzhou, Jinhua, Shaoxing, and tourist administrative departments of Ningbo attended the meeting.

Awarding Ceremony of Chinese Kindness and Filiality Festival held

On the evening of September 28, the awarding ceremony of the 3rd Chinese Kindness and Filiality Festival opened in Ningbo Grand Theatre.

Wang Huizhong, Member of the Standing Committee of Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee and Secretary of Ningbo Municipal Party Committee, announced the opening of the Festival.

At the ceremony, Song Wei, Member of Ningbo Municipal Party Committee, and Director of Publicity Department of Ningbo Municipal Party Committee, said, the culture of kindness and filiality is an important part of the traditional Chinese culture, and a mental tie of the Chinese home and abroad. In recent years, Jiangbei District has made great efforts to promote this culture and substantially promoted its regional influence. At present, Chinese Kindness and Filiality Festival has become a great event for the traditional culture and a platform for economic and cultural cooperation.

At the awarding ceremony, Jiangbei District Fund of Kindness and Filiality, a fund of 50 million yuan, was officially established. This fund is divided into 21 special sub-funds, aiming to help the poverty-stricken people in Jiangbei District and other public welfare projects.

Jiangbei District Tourist Service Center opened

On the morning of September 28, Jiangbei District Tourist Service Center opened at Laowaitan of Jiangbei. As a second large non-profiting tourist service institution in Ningbo, the center is expected to be of great help for tourists to Jiangbei District.

In recent years, with the rapid development of tourist economy, the number of visitors to Jiangbei increased from 460,810 in 2005 to 4,787,700 in 2010, and the output of the tourist economy rose from 302 million yuan in 2005 to 4.859 billion yuan. In the last year, Jiangbei was elected “Top Tourist District of Zhejiang" and China Kindness and Filiality Festival becomes one of the top ten festivals of Ningbo.


China Cartoon and Animation Art Exhibition to open in Ningbo

According to College of Science and Technology, Ningbo University, the first China Cartoon and Animation Art Exhibition is to open in Ningbo Arts Gallery from November 18 to December 11.

Sun Lijun, Secretary of the Party Committee of Beijing Film Academy and Dean of the Institute of Cartoon and Animation of the Academy, Kevin Geiger, former Director of Cartoon Department of Disney, Wu Guanying, profession of the School of Fine Arts of Tsinghua University, and Xu Yingqing, a graphic processing expert from the Asian Institute of Microsoft, attended the Summit Forum.

The exhibition will display chosen works of short cartoon films from China, South Korea and Japan.


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