Copyright 2024 - Ningbo Life / Ningbo Expat

Firefighters work around the clock

At 7:30 on Tuesday, over ten firefighters from Jiangdong district were fully equipped for a fire drill at the Modern Shopping Mall. Firefighters were still on duty during the National Day Holiday.  They got three cases on Tuesday and saved properties worth over 100,000 for local residents.

Reporters visited the fire station in Jiangdong district where they met Mr Bao., a firefighter who was on duty back then.  There were several monitoring computers and alarm telephones in the office. Once he got a phone call, he must immediately deliver the message to firefighters so that they could arrive at the site as soon as possible. There were maps of roads, information about fire protection channels, key spots and water suppliers posted on the wall. Mr. Bao kept checking the key spots and working out the shortest route even when there were no reporting cases.

At around 11 a.m. when firefighters just came back from work to have lunch, another case was reported. One of the 11 gas bottles of a hotel has leaked and it would be catastrophic if it was ignited. The firefighters hurried to the site. They evacuated residents, moved out the leaking gas bottle and cooled other gases. Together with workers from the gas company, they eliminated the potential dangers.

According to the duty record, firefighters not only contain flames for residents, but also tackle problems like car accidents, drowning, theft and so on. As long as residents call for help, they will arrive in no time.

Property markets continue to cool

The once-sizzling property markets continue to cool during the weeklong holiday in spite of discounts and enough time for buyers to choose houses. It seems that the booming property sector is heading for a bust.

Many developers reduced selling prices amid a decline in transaction volume. In the city’s west, developers were offering a favorable discount for ten apartments, 3000 yuan lower than original price for each square meter, which meant buyers could save 300,000 yuan if they bought a house with an area of 90 square meters.  But no one showed any interests. Properties sales in Haishu District were in the same situation.

However, people paid more attention to unfinished properties. It seemed that customers were waiting for a substantial decline of prices. “Whether we buy new apartments or not depends on the prices when the selling starts.” said by a customer at the sales office.

Even though September is traditionally the strongest month for property sales, the sales are unfavorable.  Developers have to compete with the neighboring properties when October starts.


An intensive competition among property developers is coming. The government has introduced a series of policies to rein in prices, from higher mortgage rates to restrictions on the numbers of homes people can buy and it is clear that measures are finally starting to bite.

“Prices will continue to fall before bottoming out.” estimated by the market insiders, “There will be fresh demand once the restrictions on purchase and loans cancelled.”

Couples Tie the Knot This October Holiday

Accompanied by firecrackers, balloons and confetti, villager Mr. Zhang’s son embraced his wedding in the village auditorium. “My son is working in a multinational company in Shanghai and he came home on National Day to celebrate his wedding”, said Mr. Zhang joyfully and excitedly, “I hope they will love each other forever.”

From five-star hotels to farm wedding, from pastoral wedding to self-service travel wedding, the national holiday was a wedding ceremony rush hour.  Rows of wedding limousines carried the newly-weds to their new life journey.  The whole city was immersed in bustling sweet and joy.

“Nearly a quarter of wedding ceremonies are held on National Holiday. And during this golden week, nearly all the 100 wedding service companies are busy with their deals.” said the director of Ningbo Wedding Service Companies Association.

Since this year, wedding fees has surged.  Fees for photo taking, video recording, masters of ceremonies and makeup rose from 1000 yuan to 1200 yuan, exclusive of fees for other personal demands. “Celebrating wedding in a hotel cost about 10,000 yuan and it will be 30,000 yuan if the wedding is in a five-star hotel” said an experienced insider. “Although many couples have anticipated the rising cost, they are still willing to celebrate it this way. Anyway, it’s a once in a lifetime event. Having a good memory is what counts.”

Tiered pricing for water draws attention

Recently, CCTV reporters spent several days in Ningbo interviewing the city’s tiered pricing for water in terms of background conditions, methods, effects and so on, asserting that the successful implement would serve as a good example for the country’s operation and management of water.


Tiered pricing for water achieves water conservation by using price leverage. There will be designated water consumption every month. Within the consumption range, the price is calculated by normal price. Once the consumption exceeds the range, the more water you use,  the higher price it will be.


Every household must own a water consumption calculator in order to implement this method. Since 2003, transformation has been carried out on a large scale and by far, the reform has basically completed. Since its implementation, the  city has saved two tons of water.


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