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Visiting the zoo for free

From October 8 to October 10, senior citizens over 70 can visit Ningbo Youngor Zoo free of charge

Tricycle Tour on Holiday

Many citizens, indulging in their week-long holiday, become tricycle passengers on Wanda Square in Yinzhou district.

Flowers to Centenarians

October 5th is the Double Ninth Festival. Recently, Central Kindergarten in Jiangdong district and Shuguang community jointly carried out activities of respecting, caring and helping senior citizens. Children sent flowers, cards to the elderly and wished them good health and longevity.

Free Haircut for the Elderly

October 5th was the Double Ninth Festival. Voluntary hairdressers from Xiangshan helped 201 senior citizens with their haircut.  The three-day activity gained support and favor from the elderly.

113 post office spots provide IC card recharging service

From October 9, the post office spots in Ningbo (including the 6 districts and Daxie Island) began to provide the recharging service for the public transportation IC cards. With the joining of the 113 spots, the total number of IC card recharging spots reached 130, and they can be found all over the city.

"The wide distribution of the post office spots is a great supplement to our existing recharging spots." said the official who is in charge of the Citizen Card Administration Company. Since last year, they have attempted to cooperate with the post office by opening 5 recharging spots in the downtown post offices. The result is quite satisfactory, which leads to the opening of the 113 spots.

From now on, the recharging of the regular IC cards and the purchase of the personalized IC card can be done in the 113 post office spots. But the preferential cards such as student cards, senior citizen cards, care cards and free-of-charge cards can only be got from the existing citizen card centers. In addition, according to the Citizen Card Administration Company, the online recharging service for the IC card will have been realized by the end of this year.


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