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Forum on Economic Cooperation of Ningbo and Hong Kong 2011 ready to open

ccording to a meeting of the Organizing Committee of Forum on Economic Cooperation of Ningbo and Hong Kong 2011, the Forum on Economic Cooperation of Ningbo and Hong Kong 2011 is to open in Hong Kong from October 24 to 27. At present, all preparation work for the forum has been finished. Wang Renzhou, Vice Mayor of Ningbo, attended the meeting.

It is reported that On the theme of "work for the future and for new development", and based on the principle of the "six accelerates", the forum will have a series of business talks and investigations. The activities to take place during the forum will be: the opening ceremony, the main forum, the forums on special topics, project promotions and signings, an exhibition of lamps and visiting related departments on so on. The focuses of the forum will be on city construction, construction of a modern metropolitan city, the marine economy, the development of marine industries, talent invitation, and the carrying out the strategy of strengthening the city with talents.

It is said that various circles of Hong Kong are quite enthusiastic with the coming forum. So far, over 800 people of Hong Kong have agreed to go to the forum

Young pioneer drum band paraded

A drum band parade is held in Haishu District for the celebration of the 62nd anniversary of the foundation of Chinese Young Pioneers Squadron

The Frontline Service Month activity to be launched in Ningbo

On the afternoon of October 12, Ningbo Municipal Party Committee held the meeting to promote the "better performance" campaign as well as the Frontline Service Month activity. Wang Huizhong, Member of the Standing Committee of Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee and Secretary of Ningbo Municipal Party Committee, emphasized in the meeting that departments of all levels should focus on tackling tough problems, optimizing services and guaranteeing development, in the process of carrying out the "better performance" campaign and "three thinks and three pursues" activity. By sticking to satisfying the demands of the development, wishes of the grassroots organizations and needs of the people, all the related departments should deepen the content of service, reform the means of service and solve the hard problems in an optimal way, thus achieving scientific development.

Wang Jianbo, Member of the Standing Committee of Ningbo Municipal Party Committee and Secretary-general of Ningbo Municipal Party Committee, declared the result of the third inspection of the "better performance" campaign. Ji Junmin, Member of the Standing Committee of Ningbo Municipal Party Committee and Secretary of Ningbo Discipline Inspection Commission, presided over the meeting.

The decision made by the Ningbo Municipal Party Committee requires that all personnel related to carry out the Frontline Service Month activity mainly in the form of group service, with the theme of going deep into the grassroots level, giving service to the people and tackling tough problems.

Wang Huizhong said that this activity is a specific act of the "better performance" campaign and "three thinks and three pursues" activity. What is most important is that the staff of government departments should improve their style of working and optimize their service. By adopting some effective policies and measures, they can help enterprises out of their plight and accelerate their transformation and up-grading process. In the meanwhile, they should help the grassroots organizations to solve developmental problems and promote the construction of some major projects. Only in this way can Ningbo find the right path of steady, rapid and healthy development for its economy.

Wang Huizhong also pointed out that departments of all levels should improve their service quality by making it their main job to establish service-orientated grassroots party organizations and deeming it a basic requirement to enhance the party members' service consciousness and service ability. Leaders from departments of all levels should play a leading role in going down to the grassroots level, such as assigned sites, rural areas, communities, enterprises and some major projects. By doing on-spot research and doing some specific jobs, they can help solve the difficulties and develop supporting policies so that the whole society will work in unison for the better prospects of overall development

Ningbo ranks No. 6 in the Forbes list of "2011 Best Cities for Business"

The Forbes list of "2011 Best Cities for Business in the mainland China" was released on October 10. Thanks to its "six-quickening" policy and its advantage in private economy and port logistics, Ningbo ranks No. 6 in the list, up by 2 places over the last year. As is known, this is the 8th successive time for Ningbo to rank among the top 10 in the list.

The list is produced by Forbes China, the Chinese version of Forbes, one of the world famous finance media. The top ten of the best cities for business include Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Hangzhou, Shanghai, Nanjing, Ningbo, Wuxi, Suzhou, Beijing and Tianjin.

According to an official from Development Research Center of Ningbo Government, the better position for Ningbo in the list is due to the enhancement of its capacity of both passengers and freight transporting. Among the 654 cities included, Ningbo ranks No. 8 in passenger transporting index and No. 5 in freight transporting index. In addition, faced with the great challenge of scientific and technological innovation and information trade, Ningbo is making every endeavor to build a "smart city". This emphasis on smart development inevitably helps enterprises to cut their operating costs, which leads to the city's rise in place in the list.

It can be found that Yuyao and Cixi , the two county-level cities, are also listed among the top 100 Best Cities for Business, with the places of No. 67 and No. 76 respectively


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