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Ningbo realized complete coverage of medical insurance in urban areas

According to Ningbo Municipal Bureau of Labor and Social Security, in 2011 Ningbo realized complete coverage of medical insurance for urban citizens, with the number of medical insurance participants in urban areas amounting to 583,700.

It is learned that to extend the medical insurance coverage for urban citizens is one of the serving-the-people projects of Ningbo municipal government. This year, Ningbo further raised the insurance payment ratio for hospitalized patients and patients of special diseases. This benefit for the medical insurance participants made the payment settlement more convenient and encouraged more people to participate in the medical insurance.

Statistics show that in 2011 the coverage of the medical insurance programs of old residents, people without fixed employment and children in early childhood reached 98.06% and the coverage of the students reached 97.13%. “So far, the social medical insurance system has basically covered all urban residents,” said a person from Ningbo Municipal Bureau of Labor and Social Security.

Of the medical insurance participants of urban citizens, over 10,000 are people living on basic minimum living allowance, and the severely disable people. Thanks to the policy of the whole premium paid by the government, the poverty-stricken people whole are prone to diseases are covered by the urban residents medical insurance system.

Besides, the participants of college students of the medical insurance have increased by about 10%. This year 139,700 college students participated in medical insurance, with the participation rate amounting to 97.62%

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Chinese Culture Promotion Society of Ningbo established

On December 12, Ningbo Chinese Culture Promotion Society was established officially. Present in the founding ceremony are Wang Zhizhen, Vice-chairman of CPPCC, Feng Pei'en, member of Standing Committee of CPPCC and Vice-chairman of Jiu San Society Central, Wang Shi, Vice-chairman of Jiu San Society Central and executive Vice-president of Chinese Culture Promotion Society, Wang Liping, member of Standing Committee of CPPCC and Vice-president of Chinese Culture Promotion Society, Chen Xin, Deputy-secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, Song Wei, member of Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and Vice-mayor Cheng Yuechong. Wang Zhizhen, Wang Shi and Chen Xin delivered speeches in the meeting.   

Li Congjun, Director of Xinhua News Agency and some cultural celebrities like Feng Jicai and Yu Qiuyu sent their congratulations by phone and mail. Some former officials including Chen Yong, Xu Jizi, Shao Xiaojie, Chen Jiwu and Li Xiuli attended the meeting. Fu Dan, Vice-chairman of Ningbo People's Political Consultative Conference and Chairman of Ningbo Federation of Literary and Art Circles, was elected chairman of the Society. Over 150 representatives from the fields of culture, art and enterprises were present in the meeting.

Ningbo Chinese Culture Promotion Society, a non-profit society with a comprehensive representativeness, is attached to Ningbo Federation of Literary and Art Circles. It is composed of prominent specialists in literature and art, scholars, entrepreneurs and cultural activists, and aims to promote distinctive Chinese culture and local culture of Ningbo.  

In his speech, Wang Zhizhen spoke highly of the economic and social development of Ningbo guided by Ningbo Party Committee and Ningbo Municipal Government with the view of scientific development. The culture radiation power has further enhanced. The establishment of Ningbo Chinese Culture Promotion Society is an innovative stride forward in Ningbo's effort to build a strong cultural city.

Chen Xin pointed out in his speech that the foundation of the Society is a great event in the city’s literary and art circle. He hoped that the Society may earnestly fulfill its objective of "developing the Chinese culture and promoting international exchange", and make newer and greater contributions for the construction of a strong cultural city and the prosperous development of Chinese culture

East section of around-city freeway to be open to traffic

On December 14, the east section of Ningbo around-city freeway was completed and passed acceptance check. It means that the whole project has been completed and it will be open to traffic from the later part of this month.


The 44-kilometer-long east section of Ningbo around-city freeway starts from the north interchange of Jiangshan of the Ningbo-Taizhou-Wenzhou Freeway, passes Yunlong, Dongqian Lake, Wuxiang, Haosifang, Linjiang, Shahe and Jiulong Lake, and then stops at Yanjia Bridge to meet the starting point of the west section of the around-city freeway.


The east section directly connects the Ningbo-Taizhou-Wenzhou Freeway, Xiangshan Port Bridge and its connecting line, Chuanshan Traffic-dispersing Freeway and Zhoushan Land-island Freeway, and functions as the core of the freeway network of the south bank of Hangzhou Bay.

After its completion and opening, the east section will connect with the west section to form the "freeway ring", which will be the core and pivot of the road traffic system in Ningbo and the second largest traffic hub in Zhejiang Province. The freeway plays an important role in constructing the modern comprehensive traffic system, promoting the urban space development, improving the urban space structure, relieving the urban traffic pressure, and promoting the integration and modernization of the economy in Yangtze River Delta

Garbage converted into new energy

On the afternoon of December 11, a worker from Yinzhou Landfill Power Plant project was collecting marsh gas. The project, the first of its kind in Ningbo, is located in Dongqiao County of Yinzhou District.


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