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Corporate Service Campaign Initiated

It's learned from the corporate service office of the city that a Corporate Service Campaign will be initiated to cope with the volatile economic situation and to help enterprises address problems in production and in transformation and upgrading.
In line with the Action Plan for Helping Enterprise Overcome Difficulties issued by the city authority recently, the campaign aims to provide tailored services for enterprises and offer key-to-the-point services for small businesses, aiming to increase their responsiveness, the circulating speed and the quality. Some common issues confronted these companies will be addressed by some work teams. 
Based on the services offered to companies by county-or-district level authorities, this time the city aims to adjust, reinforce or improve and set up a special framework for addressing the corporate problems. 10 special teams will be set up in the municipal departments, which include information gathering, banking service, development of emerging industries, major projects advancement, trading services, industrial upgrading services, HR service, land elements service, closing down of backward production capacity facilities, flow chart supervision, etc.
The campaign will take the 8718 public service platform as the carrier of network services. The platform will collect, sort out and release information about policies and measures of the government in a timely manner and will notify enterprises via internet, phone, MSN, etc. Meanwhile, counseling services will be provided. Problems reported by enterprises will be followed up and tackled. Meanwhile, corporate satisfaction evaluation will be conducted.

Ge Mingxia, Gong Xueming honored as "Pride of Zhejiang"

On the evening of Dec. 22, under the interview of the famous TV anchor Bai Yansong, the award ceremony of “The Pride of Zhejiang-the most influential people in 2011” was held at the Zhejiang TV Station. Ge Mingxia and Gong Xueming from Ningbo won this title.
At the ceremony, Ge Mingxia was the third one to be announce as a figure of the year. Bai Yansong asked her “from your colleagues we know you are always as happy as attending a marriage ceremony everyday, do you really have so many happy things?” “Each of my students is an angel, so I am sure to feel happy to stay with angels.” Her reply won warm applause.
Gong Xueming was the fourth to be announced. After Bai Yansong’s interview, a few minutes was left for Gong to publicize his newly-founded “Lan-Tian-Xia Ai-Xin Studio” (or Charity Studio Under Blue Sky). Gong affectionately said “let’s join together to help the children who are deprived of schooling for poverty.” Bai Yansong also added “Gong and his wife opened a charity car wash center, so the more you go there to have your cars cleaned, the more money they will earn to help more children.”
The 49-year-old Ge Mingxia is a senior teacher of Ninghai Yuelong Middle School. She developed an “Affectionate Teaching Method”. The 40-year-old Gong Xueming has a car wash center in Hushan Street, Cixi City. In the past 15 years, he has helped more than 100 poor students and helped more than 5600 students find their sponsors in Ningbo. So he is called “matchmaker of student aiding”.
The selection of “The Pride of Zhejiang” was initiated by Zhejiang provincial publicity department and sponsored by the Radio and Television Group of Zhejiang, undertaken by Qianjiang Channel and jointly organized by more than 30 media agencies. Last night, the selection committee publicized the result based on public votes and experts’ evaluation. 10 out of 40 candidates were honored as “The Pride of Zhejiang”.
It is learned that the selection was started in 2005. In the past 7 years, 9 people from Ningbo have been honored as “The Pride of Zhejiang”. Among them, Wang Yanqin, a communist cadre, has been devoted himself to caring about the disabled. Lin Ping has donated part of her liver to save an eight-year old girl.
Besides, Chen Jun, the first stem cells donator in the Zhejiang Press, blood donators for injuries in the 7•23 Wenzhou Fatal Crash and other six individuals and groups were awarded as “The Pride of Zhejiang”.

Ningbo-Hong Kong Industrial Design Center Settled in Hefeng Creation Plaza

The launch ceremony for Ningbo-Hong Kong Industrial Design Center was held on December 19. The project is co-founded by Hefeng Creation Plaza and Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU).
The center, taking Hefeng Creation Plaza as the platform and relying on the influence and resources of School of Design of PolyU, will provide support for Ningbo’s design industry, improve the industrial design strength and enhance the core competitiveness of the enterprises of the city through cooperation between industries and design companies, innovation projects of manufacturing industry, training of young entrepreneurs and high-end services

Comprehensive Energy Management Platform of Ningbo put into operation

The Comprehensive Energy Management Platform of Ningbo was put into operation on December 22. The platform will gather data of energy consumption of various industries for the service of energy-saving management of the city.

At present the first phase functionality of the platform has been in service. 450 enterprises whose annual energy consumption is above 3,000 tons of standard coal are monitored by the platform. Liu Qi, Vice Secretary of Ningbo Municipal Party Committee and Mayor of Ningbo, and Yu Hongyi, Member of Ningbo Municipal Party Committee and Vice Mayor of Ningbo, attended the opening ceremony.

In the 12th Five-year-plan Period, Ningbo has the hard task of energy saving and emission reduction. To further promote the comprehensive management of the energy consumption, Ningbo in the last year started the preparation for the construction of this platform. Zhejiang Yungang Data Company is the undertaker of the designing, building and operating of the platform. At present, the first phase of the platform has passed the acceptance check by the National Development and Reform Commission and other government departments.

The platform has three functions: government administration, management of enterprises and public services.

It is reported that the city will speed up the construction of the second phase of the platform and start the public service function in all the counties, cities and districts. The city expects to have the sub administrative platforms of energy data built in at least half of the departments related to energy administration and in 2013 to have all the industries of the city covered by the platform


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