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New Year party held in community

On the afternoon of January 3, a New Year party organized by the citizens themselves was held in the neighborhood center of a community in Jiangdong District.

81890 Hotline entitled "Top 10 Serving-the-people Projects" of Zhejiang

At the recently held awarding ceremony of the top 10 serving-the-people projects of Zhejiang 1011, out of the 126 candidates, the 81890 hotline project of Ningbo was listed in "Top 10 Serving-the-people Projects" of Zhejiang for 2011.

The 10-year-old 81890 hotline has become an important public service platform of Ningbo. To meet the diversified demands of the people, in the past 10 years the 81890 has integrated more related enterprises into its service resources and provided more services. At present, the services it offers amount to 189 involving 840 enterprises. With its perfect services, the hotline is very popular among the common people.

For its featured services, the 81890 hotline is becoming popular and much recognized in the country. For the hotline, Associate Professor Jing Yue, Vice Dean of Department of Politics of Tsinghua University wrote, "The 81890 hotline is not only a number that benefits the people of Ningbo, it is also a representative of the Chinese model of public services.

Ningbo to carry out road traffic clearing work

At the turn of the new year, news came from the Traffic Police Detachment of the Municipal Public Security Bureau that a twenty-day road traffic clearing work will be carried out to guarantee the safety, orderliness and smooth of the traffic in downtown area before the Spring Festival.

It is reported that the focus of this activity will be put on the roads around all passenger stations, traffic terminals, commercial centers and farmers' markets, and connecting roads, bridges and tunnels between districts. The traffic offense behaviors that will be closely dealt with include drunk driving, freight vehicle violations, intersection "jumping", going against the flow on one-way roads, illegal parking on primary and secondary roads, non-motor vehicles running red lights and riding with people on baggage racks.

New Year Gathering held for ethnic and religious representatives in Ningbo

On the afternoon of January 4, the 2012 Ningbo New Year Gathering for ethnic and religious representatives was held in Yunhai Hotel. About 30 representatives from the ethnic and religious circle gathered together to discuss about the ethnic and religious work in Ningbo and to plan for the prospects of Ningbo's ethnic and religious development. Vice-mayor Chen Yijun attended the gathering and delivered an important speech. Yu Weinian, Deputy Secretary General of Ningbo Party Committee and Director of Ningbo United Front Work Department, presided over the meeting.

Chen Yijun extended cordial greetings and New Year's blessings to minority people and people in religious conscience, and expressed specific wishes for them to play a role in building Ningbo into a culture-strong city and maintaining the social safety and stability, and to carry out religious activities in a legal manner.

In the meeting, the general state of the ethnic and religious work in 2011 was reported and the arrangement for next year's work was released. Present representatives made a hot discussion over how to carry out the spirit of the 6th plenary session of the 17th Conference of the Central Party Committee and how to play a positive role in promoting the prosperous development of socialist culture. Those who delivered speeches in the meeting include related officials from Ningbo Federation of Ethnic Minorities, Ningbo Buddhism Association, the Committee of the Three-Self Patriotic Movement of the Protestant Churches and the Christian Council of Ningbo, Ningbo Catholic Patriotic Association and Ningbo Islamic Association

Volunteer activities in Ningbo Passenger Transportation Center

These days, some volunteer college students wearing the hats with the words "urban management volunteer" and red volunteer vests engage themselves in helping passengers in Ningbo Passenger Transportation Center.

In the last few days, the Passenger Transportation Center witnessed an increase in passenger traffic. As returning workers carry with them a lot of baggage, and it is the first time for many of them to come to the center, there are inevitable inconveniences.

To solve their problems, the Yinzhou Office of Ningbo Urban Management Volunteer Association organized 70 college students as volunteers to carry on services for passengers. They delivered hot teas, helped with baggage, accompanied passengers in need, and guided the way for people, and thus greatly eased the difficulties of the passengers.

This volunteer activity in the Passenger Transportation Center is one instance of the series of activities titled "love warming winter" carried out by the Yinzhou Office of Ningbo Urban Management Volunteer Association.


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